Birthday Surprise - Sabre X Galaxy Steve X Rainbow Steve

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PLOT: Sabre is alone for his birthday and finds two dogs to give to Galaxy and Rainbow.

It was raining in the Rainbow town. Perfect weather to project Sabre's current mood. Rainbow Steve and Galaxy Steve were off doing who knows what together, and when he asked if he could come along, Sabre got rejected.

Sabre was sitting outside in the rain just waiting for them to come back. He didn't care if he got sick, he just wanted his best friends back.

Just then, he heard a bark and the brunette turned to see two dogs. "Hey. Sorry, I don't have anything for you." One of the dogs jumped up on the bench beside him and crawled into his lap. The other lay at his feet.

"Maybe Galaxy and Rainbow would want dogs. I mean, I know Galaxy Steve always wanted a dog." He said aloud. "Why don't we get into the house and dry off." Sabre got up from the bench and the dogs followed him into the house.

Sabre got towels for the two dogs and dried them off and grabbed some meat for them from the fridge. Then he went to the bathroom and got dried off and dressed into other clothes. He started making dinner. As he saw the big gate at the front of the town swung open, he grabbed the to dogs and hid them.

Rainbow Steve and Galaxy Steve walked into the house and took their shoes off as Sabre gave them some towels to dry off. "I have a surprise for both of you..." He trailed off. He didn't know if his gift to them would be enough. "Smells good, Sabre. What's for dinner?" Asked Galaxy. "And why do you look so suspicious?" Asked Rainbow.

"I have a gift for both of you, but now that I think about it, you two probably won't like it." The two Steve's looked excited. "Please tell us Sabre!" Galaxy seemed to be more hyper now then he did an hour ago. "Question," said Rainbow, "why do you look so suspicious?"

Sabre said nothing as he walked to the door to his room. "Before I show you your gifts, can you tell me why you didn't want me hanging out with you this whole week? You both were so secretive."

"Two reasons," said Galaxy Steve. "One, neither of us thought you would want to come with us." Rainbow said, "Two, we didn't invite you because....." The two Steve's looked at each other. "Happy Birthday!" They both screamed at the brunette. Sabre was shocked.

"Here I thought you both didn't want to be friends anymore, so I got both of you something." Sabre told them. "Also, I thought you forgot about my birthday." Rainbow looked stunned. "No Sabre! We would never forget about you or your birthday! You are our best friend."

Galaxy nodded. "You know what, I don't even want your surprise. I just want you to be happy. That can be your present. Right, Sabre?" He shook his head and opened the door. Two energetic puppy's ran out and tackled both Steve's to the ground.

"Surprise.." Sabre said. "These dogs found me. They comforted me when you two were out. I felt not wanted, and they cuddled with me. If not for the, I probably would be sick in the rain and I would be a big sick burden to both of you."

They looked at each other again then burst out laughing. "Oh, Sabre. You don't have to do anything for us." Galaxy said to him.

"Why don't we watch a movie while we eat dinner?" Said Rainbow Steve. Galaxy and Sabre nodded at him.

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