Something About you - BlueLess (Blue Steve X Faceless)

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Thank you Blue_Steve_Saga_Fan for this good plot and I hope you like this!

Blue Steve was walking around the land trying to find a flower. Not just any flower, but a Wither less Rose; something he knew was outlawed among the Steve's for millenniums. Just then a Red Steve came out of nowhere and attacked him.

Meanwhile, Faceless was walking around trying to find any Steve to annoy the crap out of, when he saw something bright blue in the distance. When the being got closer, he realized it was a Steve. An injured one at that.

Now, normally Faceless would ignore those who were hurt or taunt them endlessly for being weak, but there was something about this one that made him want to help. Besides, the unfamiliar Steve already saw him just standing there.

"A-attack?" He asked in broken English. The non-Steve sighed and walked over to him and held out his hand. "How did you get these injuries?" He asked.

The Steve just shook his head and pointed at his mouth as he put down a sign. As soon as he finished he looked up at Faceless. The sign read 'I can't speak that much English. Sorry. My name is Blue Steve.'

Faceless read the sign and looked back up at him and smiled. "My name is Faceless. I'm not a Steve like you. If you come with me, I can teach you to speak fluent English if you would like?" He asked. "I can also fix your injuries too."

"Th-thanks You." Blue said as he stood up and leaned his weight on the non-Steve. As they walked to Faceless's hut in the jungle biome behind him.


A couple months later, Blue Steve met a certain Rainbow-colored Steve and set off with him and the very Red Steve that attacked him just mere months ago. He could speak normal English thanks to his big brother Faceless, who he never told anyone about.

What he didn't know was that Faceless was following him higher up and kept smiling down at him.

Blue Steve made Faceless Happy.

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