Memories - GalBow (Galaxy Steve X Rainbow Steve)

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Rainbow Steve stood in front of a certain Steve who he hated: Memory Steve.

He took his memories. Again. This time was different though. he didn't get his memories back until he was standing front of him again.

It felt as if there was a wall between Rainbow and his memories and he couldn't break down the wall.

He walked back to the Rainbow Town and flew up to the top of the Rainbow Tree of Life.

Galaxy Steve walked back to the house after a little bit of fishing to see Rainbow fly up to the Tree of Life with tears in his eyes. The Galaxy-clad Steve was confused as he flew up to see him. Rainbow never ignored him unless he had a very good reason. He hovered over his lover as he cried.

"Rainbow? What's wrong?" He looked up in surprise to see Galaxy Steve hovering there with a caring look on his face.

"I-I'm sorry," he said sniffling, "But, who are you?" Galaxy felt his heart shatter at those three words. "I-I'm Galaxy Steve, your lover...." He trailed off.

Rainbow shook his head. "I'm sorry." The other shook his head. "N-no. It's ok. You know everyone abandon's me sooner or later. And I for one, rather it be now than later." Galaxy said as he flew away in tears.

Once he was a good distance away, he fell to the ground, his legs, not having the energy or courage to keep going. He was shaky and couldn't focus.

Galaxy Steve needed Rainbow like he needed the air. Rainbow was his air. Without him, he felt like he was drowning.

He suddenly heard a rustle from the bushes beside him. Time and Elemental came out and saw their younger brother crying and walked up to him. "Hey, Gal. You okay?" Asked Elemental as Time sat down in front of him.

He shook his head. "Rainbow doesn't remember me. What do I do?" The brothers were silent for a while. "Memory Steve must have done something. I could get his memories back easily." The ruler of Time said as the older brother of the three got up pulling Galaxy up.

The three got up and walked back into the town and Time went to go talk to the rainbow-clad Steve while Elemental waited with their youngest brother.

A moment later, Rainbow flew down to them and tackled his lover to the ground. "I'm so sorry!" He said in a mantra.

To get him to stop, Galaxy Steve kissed him. "I love you too."

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