Fairy Gardens - FavremyRainbow (Rainbow Steve x Sabre)

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Rainbow Steve wanted to do something decorative to the base of the Tree of Life. He just didn't know what to do. "Hey, Sabre?" He said as he walked over to the player. "Yeah Rainbow Steve? What's up?" "I was wondering what I could do to be more decorative to the big tree?"

Sabre thought for a moment. "How about a fairy garden? He said taking off his gardening gloves and standing up, dusting off his jeans. He had a pair of old dirty jeans and a striped green and white tank top on.

"What's a fairy garden?" the Steve asked cocking his head to the side. "Well, a fairy garden is a cute little garden of flowers and small structures or small fairies around the area. Like a small landscape of a city. Or we could re create the Rainbow Town too." The player said to him.

Rainbow gasped. "Can we add us and the rest of the Steve's as little people?" He asked. Sabre nodded at him.

"Do you want my help to make a drawing or do you just want to go by your head on how it's layed out?" "Well, could you get some little Steve's for the garden? I want to wrap the garden around the Tree of Life."

Sabre nodded as he went to the Rainbow house. Rainbow Steve walked back to the base of the tree and started with planting some small little cute plants and digging the dirt up for the mini Steve's.

Within a couple moments, Sabre came over and sat beside him. "I really like it Rainbow." He said as he stared positioning the mini figures in the way the Steve told him to.

It was almost done as Light Steve and Time Steve walked over to them. "Hey, guys." Light Steve said, sitting down beside Sabre who gave both Time and Light their mini figure. "Put them anywhere you want. I think you two should do it because it mark the moment that you two moved into the town." The player said as the keeper of Time sat down.

"S-sure. Okay." Light and Time both put their figurines in the ground, holding hands and leaning in to each other.


"Rainbow, why are you such a fangirl?" Asked Sabre. "We wouldn't be lovers if I didn't do it."

Time and light decided to humor him and kissed on the cheek." 

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