Who Are You - (Dark Steve X Nightmare Steve X Void Steve)

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(There will be some TheLightSpike in this.)

Nightmare Steve and Dark Steve have stopped being evil. I know, it's a long shot. Dark was in the middle of talking to his younger brother, Light. The sky was clear and it was sunny and warm; a perfect day to just relax.

Light Steve was telling him how great the date went with him and Lucas. That was, until they heard lightning in the Nightmare Palace. The two rushed in and found nightmare looking up at a being hovering above him.

"Light, Dark, Stay there!" Nightmare yelled as the Steve turned to them. The weird entity was all black and had a hood over his face so no one could see him. He opened his eyes to show red glowing eyes like Dark's and Nightmare's.

Just then, there was lightning on top of both Light and Dark and they were teleported somewhere. Dark grabbed onto Light Steve's hand but it was a futile attempt. They lost touch.


When Dark woke up, he was in a cage. Where, he had no clue. He just wanted to know if his family was ok.

Meanwhile, the hooded entity was in front of the light being. "Where am I?" He asked. "You are in my dimension That is all you need to know." He walked away.

Dark walked to the bars and tried to look out. It was too dark to see anything. He heard the heels of the person's shoes as they stopped in front of the cage. "Well, well. Dark is it?" Said the unknown Steve. "How do you know my name? Are you even a Steve? You don't look like one... He muttered." The entity glared. "Shut up. I don't have to answer that. I just want to know something." Dark Steve arched his eyebrow. "How much does your family care about you and Light?" The dark entity looked shocked. 'What is wrong with this guy?' "Of course they do! Nightmare was the one that created me and Shadow means everything to me. Chaos, Reverse, Ultra and Hypno are my cousins."

The hooded entity looked at him for a moment. "How about all the other Steve's in the realm?" He asked.

"Well, Memory is a good friend, Faceless was cool but I've only talked to him a couple times when my master was doing some business. Plague and Ghost I met when Sabre introduced me. They don't talk much to me. Rainbow still kind of hates Nightmare and I after what we did to him, but I know his till cares. Hypno I know hated me in the past for creating him to destroy instead of being nice, and I think that's it."

"How about The Rainbow Family? Who are they?"

'Is this guy serious?' "Well, Chaos is his cousin, Hypno is a good friend to him. Reverse is his older brother." Replied Dark Steve as he walked around his small cage.

"Whatever. You are not worth it to me. I think I'll go bug Light. At least I got the reaction I wanted off him." Said the hooded entity as he walked away, heels on his boots tapping away on the concrete floor.

'I need to find a way out and get to him...' Dark Steve looked around and found a bobby pin. He remembered what Sabre had told him. How to use it to unlock a cage.

He walked back to the bars and wiggled the pin into the lock until he heard the telltale click of the lock being broken. He slowly walked out of the cage and into the dark hallway. "It was quiet; too quiet. Dark walked around trying to find either Light or Nightmare, but instead he came across two other Steve's. One was navy blue with white on him the other was grey and black and wore dark green pants.

"Hello? Are you hurt?" "No." "Nope." "Then what are you doing here? Don't you know it's dangerous?" asked Dark.

"We know. We are trying to get out of here too." Said the one in grey. "Who are you?" Said the one in blue.

"My name is Dark Steve. I used to be evil but not anymore. I need to find someone named Light Steve." "Well, my name is Time Steve," said the Steve in grey and black. He walked closer to see that he had a clock face for a face. "I'm Galaxy Steve." Said the one in blue. "We are brothers." They said in sync. "And the one that put us here is Galaxy's cousin."

Just then, they heard someone walk up behind Dark. He knew it wasn't the strange entity. No, he had click-clacky boots that could be heard from a mile away.

"Dark. I'm so glad your ok." Light Steve tackled him to the ground. Someone laughed and he looked up. "Master?" Nightmare nodded. "When you, Light and that strange Steve teleported out of the Nightmare Palace, I grabbed onto the tailwind of his teleport. The only problem with doing that, is that it knocks you out for a couple hours." Replied the Nightmare King.

He teleported them out. Dark Steve turned towards the two others to get a good look at them. They heard lightning again and the group looked up to see the unknown Steve standing there. "Who are you? Tell us!" Nightmare yelled.

"Well, I guess I can tell you. No harm in that." He flew don in front of them.

"My name is Void. Void Steve. Do me a favor and remember that will ya."

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