Your Wish Is My Command - Mute!FavremySabre - FavremyVoid (Void Steve X Sabre)

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(This may be a little hard for me...)

(I forgot who requested this sorry. I lost my request form..)

None of the Steve's knew that he used a small device. It hooked onto his head and all he had to do was think of something he wanted to say it and the device would speak for him. It used the voice most suited for him.

Sabre was mute. He wanted to talk out loud, he just didn't know how. But he kept trying. Very few times, he would take out the device and try to talk to Galaxy Steve but it didn't work. It was as if his voice was trapped in his own head, chained up far away from where he could reach it.

Sabre was always self conscious of this. He never told Rainbow Steve before he was destroyed because he didn't want him to worry. However, Galaxy Steve wasn't as dumb as everyone thought and soon found out. But the brunette refused any help from him.

Currently, he and Galaxy Steve were trying to fish. Sabre didn't think they were in danger so he took out the device. He was wrong. Oh, so wrong.

They heard lightning appear and Void Steve walk out from behind a tree.

"Did you really think you two were safe from me?" Void said in his deep demonic voice. "Leave us alone!" Galaxy Steve yelled, trying to sound tough for both of them, since he knew Sabre took out the device. Yeah, he had it in his pocket, but he couldn't risk putting the machine on with Void standing in front of them.

It was a small device, the size of a grape. He just needed to stick it to the side of his head. He could hide it with his hood and his bandanna.

"Well, I'm actually not here for Galaxy Steve just yet." Void Steve said, amused at his other half. Galaxy was confused. "Then, why are you here? To spy on us? To trap us?" Sabre secretly put his hand in his pocket and fiddled with the device.

"No. I'm simply here to observe. See what you two were doing, and maybe put a stop to whatever it was." He replied.

Galaxy Steve scoffed. "Well, you don't have to stop us. We aren't trying to hunt you down. We were just fishing. Doing something relaxing since Sabre has been very stressed lately." Galaxy said, hiding the truth from Void Steve. He knew that if Void Steve found out about Sabre's predicament, it would be very bad.

"Well, I see that Sabre won't talk for himself. Maybe I should get him to talk." He said lowering his voice to something darker. Without waiting for an answer, Void Steve teleported the player to himself, knocked him out and started flying, holding the now unconscious Sabre to his chest.

"Have fun all alone Galaxy Steve," He taunted and teleported away.


When Sabre opened his eyes, he wasn't where he expected to be. Instead of a cage, he was in a gigantic room. The floor was dark oak wood and one wall was black and the others were burgundy. The bed covers were black and the headboard matched the floor. Sabre looked to his wrists. He didn't seem to be tied up. 'What the heck?'

Just then, the door opened to reveal Void Steve. He walked in and shut the door with a soft click. He turned toward Sabre and cautiously walked over to him. "Hello again." Void said almost in a whisper.

The player just looked at him. Void smiled. "I lied Sabre." The brunette tilted his head to the side. "About me just coming to spy on the two of you I mean. What I really wanted was you."

Sabre was more confused at this. "Look, If I untie you, will you speak? Your silence is really freaking me out." Sabre nodded and Void untied him. He instantly reached into his pocket for the device but it wasn't there.

"Looking for your stuff?" Sabre turned to the evil Steve and nodded. "Fine. Here." Void Steve gave him a box of stuff. "But you are not getting any of your weapons back." The brunette rummaged through the box as Void Steve went to look at the weapons that he took off Sabre.

Void came to a weird looking thing. 'Wat is this? It looks like a taser? Maybe I should just ask him?'

"I have a question. Sabre looked up. "What is this?" He held up the device. "Sabre panicked and held his hand out. "If you hurt me, I will stick a sword through your back." The brunette nodded and Void gave the device up.

"Sabre sighed and slowly took off his hood. He reached up to untie his bandanna. He looked Void dead in the eyes as he did so. Void Steve gasped as he never saw the player with no hood or bandanna before. Sabre stuck the device to his head and breathed out as there was a sting like always.

"I- I can't talk without that device." Sabre said looking down at his lap while he waited for Void to process what he just said. When he did, he said something that he didn't expect.

"Your eyes are so pretty. And I didn't know you can't speak. Is that even your real voice?" He asked. Sabre nodded. Yes it's my real voice. I have tried time and time again to talk without that. Galaxy Steve isn't stupid. He found out. He was trying to help me. He knew I couldn't speak. That's why he was doing all the talking instead of me. I didn't have the device on when you showed up. And I couldn't put it on while you were standing there." Sabre replied, never moving his lips once.

"If I really want to make it believable, I just have to lip sync it."

Void Steve sat on the bed in front of the brunette. He didn't say anything and leaned in slowly, not to scare the player as he so often did. their lips were just barely touching but Void didn't close the gap just yet. He just wanted to see Sabre's eyes closer.

It was Sabre who closed the gap. Their lips met in a fiery, passionate kiss which seemed to last a couple hours when in reality lasted 30 seconds before the two needed to breathe. "I love you, Void Steve." The Steve smiled. "I love you too, Sabre." he said in a soft tone. "Will you be my boyfriend?" Asked Void. The brunette nodded. "Only on one condition." Void arched his eyebrow. "Give up evil? Stop hurting other Steve's including Galaxy?" Void's smile was even bigger.

"Your wish is my command."

( First off, 62 published parts? Wow! Ok, this is done. The next will be:  Carnival - Nightmare Steve X Rainbow Steve X Sick! FavremySabre)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2020 ⏰

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