Rainbow Steve's Crush - FavremyRainbow (Rainbow Steve X Sabre)

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It was an ordinary day in the Rainbow town and Galaxy Steve was teaching Light Steve how to fish. Sabre was relaxing in the nice warm sun with a book. Rainbow Steve was behind the tower on the far side of the town.

You see, Rainbow didn't know what had happened. At first, he thought he was going crazy because he had this feeling in his chest whenever he looked at Light Steve. But then he quickly found out that it wasn't Light that was making him feel like this. It was Sabre.

He liked the feeling. It felt like warm sun on a nice calm day. He thought it was just a deeper friendship that was making him feel like this.

'Maybe I should bring this up with Galaxy Steve.' He thought. He went to go find him. "Hey Galaxy Steve? Can I talk to you for a few moments alone?" "Sure, Rainbow. You just keep fishing. Just show me what you catch later."

When they were at a considerable distance away, Rainbow stopped walking at turned to his friend. "I don't want you to tell Sabre what I'm going to tell you. I want it to be a secret." Galaxy nodded. "Of course, you can tell me anything. Besides it's you're choice to tell."

"Okay, so, at first I thought I felt something for Light Steve, but then I realized that it wasn't him I was having those thoughts for." "Then who was it?" Asked Galaxy. "It was Sabre. I don't know what to do. If I tell him, what would he think?"

Galaxy Steve thought about it. "Well, how do you think of him?" "It feels like butterflies in my chest, but, when I think about something bad like Sabre hating me, I feel pain. Like a kind of sting."

They were both silent for a moment. "I think you have a crush on him, Rainbow. I would tell him before something happens and you can't tell him, like getting a girlfriend first."

Rainbow Steve nodded and said his thanks and walked off in search for Sabre.

Meanwhile Sabre was done his book. He went inside to grab another. When he came out, he saw Rainbow standing there. "What's up?" Rainbow Steve looked at him and had these feelings, but they quickly changed to the stinging as he started going on about how he had met this beautiful girl the other day.

"Anyways, what did you need to tell me?" "Nothing Sabre." He said as he walked away. He walked out of the towns borders and sat under a tree and let out his tears. For the first time since before he met Sabre for the first time, he had an anxiety attack. Of course, Galaxy saw him run off and walked up to Sabre.

"What did you say to him? He looked very upset." He asked his friend. "I don't even know. did he destroy something that I should be aware of?" Galaxy Steve, in turn, shook his head. "No he didn't. But he wanted you to know that he had a crush on you. I told him that. It was if he didn't even know what he was feeling. He said he thought he was having romantic feelings for Light Steve, but then quickly found out that they weren't meant for Light. They were meant for you, Sabre. I would go after him if I were you. He needs to know you care about him. Hurry. I saw he left the towns borders. It's not safe for him out there. What if nightmare Steve gets a hold on him?"

At that, Sabre ran out trying to find him.

He saw Rainbow sitting under a tree a little ways from the town. He walked closer and stood in front of him. Sabre's heart broke seeing his friend like this. He knelt down and wrapped his arms around Rainbow as he looked up at his crush.

"I love you too, Rainbow Steve," said Sabre as he kissed him. After Sabre calmed him down, they both walked back to the town, as Galaxy Steve ran up to them. "Are you okay, Rainbow?" He asked. The Steve in question nodded. "I am now." Galaxy hugged him. "And you won't try to scare us again?" Another shake of the head. "What even happened? I saw you run out of the town."

Sabre and Rainbow shared a look. "He was having an anxiety attack when I found him." Replied Sabre.

"We all care about you, Rainbow Steve." Galaxy said as he hugged him again. "And I love you Rainbow Steve" Said Sabre.


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