Memorial - FavremyOrigin (Origin Steve X Sabre)

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(This is going to have an alternate ending to TSS!)

On the day when Galaxy and I destroyed Void Steve, it was a happy day, but also a sad day. We remembered Rainbow Steve's sacrifice. He got destroyed because of Void Steve.

Galaxy wanted to go back to his dimension without Sabre to just relax. Sabre never stopped him. That was his mistake.

Sabre sat down at the grave where he buried the last of the Rainbow Stone that he found to make a Rainbow Tree on top of the Steve who he had fought for, so long ago.

Unknowing to the brunette, there was a Steve standing right behind him hearing everything. The unknown Steve put a hand on Sabre's shoulder. "Who are you?" Asked the brunette as he turned around.

The Steve standing behind him had on a light blue shirt and brown pants. His eyes glowed the same color as his shirt. His hair was dark brown.

"Don't panic. My name is Origin Steve. I created, well, all this. The world and the Steve's that you fight so hard for. Who might you be?" Sabre was a little bit wary. He didn't know who this was and he didn't want another Void Steve episode. Especially not without Galaxy Steve by his side.

"My name is Sabre." "Oh so, you are the one who the Steve's say is a big savior. They call you a hero." Sabre looked down at the grave. "That's wrong. I'm not the hero. The Steve's who fought back againced all the evil in the world like Rainbow Steve and Galaxy Steve. They are the hero's. Not me. But I appreciate you calling me a hero though."

Origin Steve was confused. "What do you mean? You defeated Nightmare Steve and Void Steve. And all the other evil Steve's you faced."

Sabre shook his head. "No. I didn't. They did. You see, I'm not a Steve. I don't have powers. I couldn't protect Rainbow Steve before Void Steve destroyed him."

Origin Steve walked around to face him. "How about you and I become friends? I've never really had a friend before." Sabre smiled. "I would like that. How about I show you how to make Rainbow Trees?" Origin smiled and nodded. "When my other friend comes back, I'll introduce you to him. He's so kind."

A week later, Galaxy Steve came back in a flurry of lightning. The three became the Steve Saga trio, instead of Rainbow Steve, Lukas and Sabre.

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