Cuddles By The Fireplace - TheSabreSpike (Sabre X Lukas)

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Sabre shivered in the cold. He walked to the thermostat. "Of course. The heat won't work today of all days." He said aloud as he went into the bathroom and shed his clothes. 'Maybe a nice hot shower can fix this.' He thought to himself as he turned the water on.

A few moments go by and the water finally warms up enough to warm him up. He stepped in and shivered again. The water went cold again. "What the heck FAM?" He yelled. He shut off the water and got out quickly drying himself off.

Suddenly, the power went out. "Oh come on!" He yelled again as he heard a knock at the bathroom door.

"Yes?" He asked.

"Are you okay? I heard you yelling." Asked Lukas as he opened the door just a little. "The power went out, I'm cold, the heat won't work and the heat of the water won't work." Sabre said as he turned to his boyfriend and hugged him. "So, yeah. I'm peachy!"

Lukas could feel his lover shaking and shivering, wet hair dripping down his back. "How about I get the fireplace on and we get some hot chocolate and some blankets. I'll cuddle with you. How does that sound?" He asked as the brunette looked up at him. He nodded.

Sabre sat down on the couch with a towel for his hair and a warm blanket around his shoulders. Lukas said not to put on any clothes but he sure wished he did. The blond came back after a while and layed down, taking Sabre with him. "You took your clothes off?" Asked the brunette as he put his head on Lukas's chest.

"I did because it's actually warmer to cuddle with no clothes on than cuddling with clothes on. These blankets will act as a berito. They will keep the warmth in rather than let it out." Replied Lukas as he wrapped his arms around the brunette as Sabre sighed. "I love you Lukas." He looked up as Lukas looked down at him. The blond kissed him passionately. "I love you too, Sabe." He replied.

"Get some rest babe." Said Lukas as he put his chin on the top of Sabre's head.

They fell asleep to the sound of the crackling fire and each others heart beats.

The next morning, things seemed to be normal. The heat was back, the power was on, and Sabre got to wake up in his boyfriend's arms like he loved to do.

All was normal again.

(I know it's short. I just wanted to get this out for you guys. If you want I might be able to make a part 2 to this. I just didn't have that good of a plot for this. Sabre and Lukas right now, are cuddling right in front of me in front of the fireplace. They are asleep as I'm typing this. Anyway, that's what gave me this plot. I will see you in the next one.  By the way, I am Its_Galaxy_Steve typing this.. I took Sabre's laptop for a bit because I wanted to know what actually happens in Rainbow Steve's past cause he won't tell me, but Sabre had this open so, of course, I had to write this. I don't know if, when he sees this, may take it down, but I hope he doesn't. My hard work will go to waste. See ya. - HUZZAH!)

The Steve Saga One Shots!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora