Chapter Thirty Four.

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"Rain That Cleanses the Thoughts."


It was all over so quickly, Marlon instead of staying behind chose to make a break for it with Clementine hot on his heals. Unfortunately, the slight dark toned female wasn't quick enough as marlon thrusted the two doors down and blocked the only exit route. She hiss out a low growl in fristeration as she glared at the male who loomed above her on the otherside of the doors.

"You son of a bitch! LET ME OUT!"

"I-I'm sorry.. I'm sorry, I can't let you talk to the others.."

He mumbled as he then disappeared from sight. Clementine released a frustrated shout as she thrusted her arm up, banging agaknst the metal doors in attemps of opening it or even have the slightest chance of others hearing it come and help her out.

When realizing that there was no hope if she continued on, she losed her eyes and inhaled sharply before she reopened her eyes and took in her current situation. "The latch.. if I can find something thin enough..that would work."

She told herself as she turned around and walked back down the storm cellar's stairs, squinting her eyes as scanned the dark void.

"Shit, it's to dark for me to find anything..I need to go back to where Marlon last had that flashlight.."

Once reaching the area, her eyes widened as saucers when she saw the large blood smear on the ground infront of the boiler.

But there was no body.

Her eyes whipped around her breathing shook ever so slightly. She needed that flashlight, and quick if she were going to survive down in the basement.

Continuing her task, she found the flashlight as she picked it up, it flickering a few times before settling down on staying on. Once having done so, she noticed a group of desks out from the corner of her eye, while having fone this, she saw the shiny reflection of an old ruler.

"Perfect, this should work." She said as she snatched it up in her grasp and hurried her way back to the metal doors. Sticking the ruler into the crack as she attempted to fiddle the latch free. A slick sound of etal scraping metal could be heard as she freed the very thing that trapped her. Tossing the ruler down as her hands lifted up to push against the ever so heavy doors.

Her eyes squinted as she felt fresh drops hitting and sliding down her tired yet determind face. The sky lit up as flashes of sheetlightening danced within the dark clouds as the rain continued to pour.

Clem couldn't enjoy the taste of freedom for long as the newly turned Brody had reached out to grab her leg and gave it a firm tug. Making Clem's balance fold away as the two stumbled back to the bottom, where the walker made it's attack and lunged ontop of the poor girl. In order to escape from the grasps of death, Clementine grabbed the flashlight that had fallen next to her and swung it, clocking the side of its now rotting head.

A few more pounds later and the walker fell limp on the cold cement underneath the surviving female. The flashlight stained an ominous shade of red as she shined it down on the deceased female. She frowned, no one else needed to die, she definitely didn't deserve to die...

Having a moment to herself as she regained her lost breath as esh together thoughts, she returned to pushing the doors open. Climbing out of the dark room as she welcomed the new downpour of sprinkling rain.

"Where's Clementine?!"

The familiar yell could be heard as the said female turned towards the direction she heard the shout come from.

"AJ, put the gun down!"

"Get this fucking psycho away from me!"

Her dazed head turned and it felt as if it had suddenly cleared up as she saw the former students at the school begin to gather in the courtyard while Clem tossed the flashlight down and made her way over to them.

"Where is she?!"

AJ cried out as he took another threatening step towards Marlon, who held his hands on in defense as he took a step back.

"She's.... she's in the basement, she murdered Brody!"

He claimed as he point into the direction of the cellar. Audible gasps could heard at the news of another one of their family members were taken away from them. AJ also was shocked at the sudden news as he slowly lowered the gun in disbelief.

"Is that blood on your face?"

Louis questioned quietly as he walked forward, standing just a little infront of AJ as he tried to approach Marlon. Meanwhile those who stood outside began to hurl questions towards Marlon as to what had happened. As this was happening, Clementine made her entrance.

"That's Bullshit, Marlon!"

Everyone had jumped and turned around to the new voice, seeing it was a displeased Clem.

"You kill Brody! You hit you so hard, her head split open!"

"That's a lie! I saw you kill her!"

As the intense situation grew, the remaining members rushed out of the building to see what the commotion was all about.

"Look at her hands! She's covered in Brody's blood!"

As the accusation was thrown, Clem gazed traumatically at her crimson hands, as everyone else became wary of the female and took a step back. AJ only stared as he lowered the gun even more, he couldn't wrap his matured mind around why his guardian had done what she did.

As the boy's guard was lowered, Marlon took his chance and swooped in, shoving the child away as he snatched the gun up for himself and raised it for all to see. Louis quickly bent down as he aided the small boy, helping him stand up as he kept a watchful eye on his friend before him.

"We saved their lives as anyone else would have kept walking! We fed them! Kept them warm! And this is how they thank us?! Guns being pulled and murder?!"

Marlon cried out angrily as he raised AJ's gun once more to make a point. Until he swung it infront of him as he aimed it towards the female.

"Well. FUCK. THEM!"

The sudden action cause everyone to jump back as the tried to call out to Marlon.

"You shoot me and what do you have to offer up to your raider friends when they come knocking?"

"What.. what the hell is she talking about?"

"He wont do it because he needs us alive-"

"Shut up.."

"Brody told me, 'Marlon was give me and AJ up to the raiders in exchange for safety!"

Clementine explained as she turned her hateful eyes towards Marlon as she frustratedly shouted.

"The same way he gave up (Y/n), Sophie, and Minnie!"


word count of 1210.

-(c) (Y/N) belongs to you.

-(c) Characters, songs and game belong to rightful owners/creators.

-(c) I do not own anything except for this plot line and story for this fanfiction. The game itself and plot line belongs to the amazing original creators, Telltale.

-Created on January 3rd, 2020.

-Published on January 5th, 2020.

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