Chapter Thirty Three.

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"Final Breath of a Secret"


The night grew later as everyone at Ericson's Boarding School cleaned themselves up before heading off to the sleeping chambers for the remaining hours of the night.

Unfortunately, the peaceful night hadn't lasted long as hours onto the night and into the early morning, Clementine and AJ were awoken from their light slumber.

The two confused and nervous as they found that the source as to what woke them up were voices echoing through the old pipes that ran throughout the very school. Clementine grew worried as she got up from her bed, lighting the candle in their room and stood up, straining herself in attempts to hear where the voices came from and if they were to be considered as threats.

"I think someone's in trouble.."

"Is it us?"

"No, no, no. Not right now, but we should help them."

Clementine comfortingly said as she turned and walked closer to AJ, crouching down next to his bed.

"If it's a Monster, we should kill it."

AJ spoke with a cold, firm tone in his voice as he stared at Clementine, who only nodded before speaking again.

"I dont think it's a monster.. but I'll go check it out. Got your gun?"

She asked the young boy, who confirmed her suspicions as he reached behind him to pull the gun out from under his pillow and for Clementine to see as he opened the ammunition holder of the gun, showing that it was loaded with bullets.

"Good... I'll be right back. Stay safe."

She said as she pushed herself up from crouching. Reaching a hand over to the dresser that sat between their beds and she subconsciously took her hat and putting it on as she took the lit candle into her tanned hands. Giving one last glance to AJ, the two nodded with silence care and concern as Clementine twisted the door handle and pushed it open. Entering the dark hallway as she silently close the door behind her.

She waited a moment as the distorted voices from the pipes began to sound again, having done that, she began to slowly and carefully trek her way down the hall to where the sounds originated from. She quickly stumbled upon the basement door, only for it be locked solid. She sighed as she mumbled to herself. "It's locked from both sides..."

She trailed off as she her attention was captivated by the old blueprint next to the door of the school's layout.

"Theres a storm celler outside, I could get into the basement through that."

Clementine thought to herself as she mumbled out her own plan in consideration while turning towards the double doors next to hear, leading to the courtyard. Without wasting another moment, she followed the outside wall before seeing the familair cellar doors. She knew she was in the right place once the voices became more clearer as she picked out certain words from what sounded to be an argument happening. She then noticed the flashy yellow lock the held the two doors together, glancing around to find something to smash it, a brick that layed not to far seemed like it'll do the job nicely. Once she pulled the doors back and quietly snuck down the stairs into the dark void.

"Damn it Brody! We don't know for sure it was them!"

"And he got away! How do we know he didn't follow them? Those bastards are back and it's only a matter of time before they find us. You know that!"

"I don't know shit, neither do you. Goddamn it, keep it together, Brody! The hell do you want me to do? You're making me mad!"

"We.. we have to tell them! The others! About what you did."

The two stopped studdenly as their eyes snapped towards the little opening that lead to the outside world. Marlon aimed his flashlight as he called out in a gruff tone. "Who's there?"

Clementine slowly raised her hands as she stepped around the corner for them both to see it wasn't a threat as she then asked a question of her own, 

"What are you doing down here?"

Marlon took a deep sigh as he ever so slightly lowered the flashlight. "Brody and I are just talking, go get some sleep. You deserve some shuteye."

"Uhm. That didn't exactly sound like a pleasant conversation.."

"It's really none of your buisness, go back to sleep."

Clem's brows furrow as she noticed Marlon taking a defensive tone and stance as he stood infront of a now troubled Brody. Brody sighed, shaking her head as she leaned further away from the male,

"That man you met at the station, we got history with him."

"Brody...Don't listen to her, Clem, she's acting crazy. She gets this way sometimes, you just have to tune it out."

Clementine narrowed her eyes dangerously as she stood up to a scowling male that towered over her.

"Don't be afraid, Brody, say what you have to say."

Brody hesitated, staring at the back of Marlon's head with worry before before redirecting her gaze to Clementines protectful eyes as she finally spoke up in a soft, torn voice.

"He.. Marlon let them take (Y/n).. and the twins. Him and his people."

"Whoa wait, (Y/n) and Tenn's sisters? I thought they were killed by walkers?"

"That's.. that's the story we told everyone. Cause Marlon's ashamed for what he's don-"


Just in the heat of the moment, Clementine was barely able to register what had happened as a dazed Brody hit her back against the boiler before sliding to the ground, blood pouring from the new wound on her forehead from the butt end of Marlon's flashlight.

"Oh shit, Brody! I'm sorry!"

"Shit! What have you done?!" Clem exclaimed in shock and anger as she fell to her knees next to the injured female, inspecting the wound as Marlon stood and rushed off to find some medical supplies in hopes some were left in the basement. Clementine stayed next to the female as she did her best to comfort her, gently taking her hand as she held it gently.

"Brody.. it's me, Clem. Just- just stay still."

"Who? I-i can't see..."

"Clementine, remember?.."

In that moment, a spark of relization flickered in Brody's eyes as she turned towards the direction qhere she heard the soft voice of the toned female.

"Danger, Clem, you're in danger. You and AJ both. Marlon'll kill me if I tell..he's scared.. when he's scared he gets angry."

"Brody... if their's a threat to AJ, you have to tell me, please!"

"I- every thing feels faint... I can't.. feel my legs..."

"Try to focus, please.."

"....if the raiders really are back, Marlon said he'll let them take you... like he did... like he did with (Y/n)...and Tenn's sisters."

Just like that, Brody's eyes widened as she gasped out a choked breath before her once blue eyes rolled into the back of her head as she sunk further to the ground.

Just like that, she was gone.


word count of 1246.

-(c) (Y/N) belongs to you.

-(c) Characters, songs and game belong to rightful owners/creators.

-(c) I do not own anything except for this plot line and story for this fanfiction. The game itself and plot line belongs to the amazing original creators, Telltale.

-Created on January 2nd, 2020.

-Published on January 4th, 2020.

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