Chapter Nine.

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Chapter Nine.
"The hidden side of a photo."


"Up here! C'mon Clem, this way!" The voice of AJ echoed throughout the empty halls as he ran up the two, large flights of stairs of the former boarding school.

"Hey, AJ- wait up!" The older female called out to the child as she pulled herself up the last few steps. Her golden brown eyes scanning the new structure around her that she has yet to have seen before, taking in each small detail as she then notices AJ walk through two large doors into another room, a room that looked to be an old office of sorts.

Her gaze lands upon the young male as he speaks up once more. "Tenn's here." at this, she entered the room and saw the other young male on the group playing with what seems to be old figurines and toys. When seeing the two of them enter, he paused what he was doing to look up, greeting them as he spoke up in his soft voice "Hey Clem. Thanks for the pencils, I missed having colours."

Clementine walked over to stand next to AJ, crouching down to watch the two interact, a feeling of warmth yet guilt spreads through her veins as she catches AJ mesmerized by the toys. With how often they've been on the road he's never really had time play, in fact, she wasn't sure how long ago it had been the last time she gave him a toy, let alone play with one.
"Sure Thing." a moment of silence passes before she looked up again. "Hey, do you know where Marlon is?"

With a simple shake of his head as he stood up, pocketing the toy. "I don't know, he should be around. I can go and find him."

"That be nice, thanks, Tenn."
She thanked as he walked out of the large room, now leaving the two alone. As they waited they finally took the time to look around the large room to what Clem presumed was the headmasters office. AJ's deep brown eyes notice something on one of the side shelving as he rushed over to it, practically in full energy. She took the time to notice him picking up a picture frame with what seemed like a fair quality picture. "It's a picture, of Marlon and Louis...they're so little.."

Clem peered over his small shoulder to see what he meant, as she saw the picture she had to force herself not to snicker. True to his words, they were little, so innocent and carefree once upon a time. The boy swung around to face her, only as he did so, the picture slipped out of his hands and crashed yo the floor, shattering it. Clementine and AJ jumped back from the fragments of glass that littered the floor before them.

"Careful AJ." She immediately responded as she stepped around the larger shards of glass, avoiding any possible punctures at the sole of her boots. Bending down she to pick up the frame that still held onto bits of the broken glass and a corner of the picture. Only to be surprised when she sees the picture is actually folded, carefully sliding it out of the frame, she could see the picture unfold and that there was clearly another person in the shot. On the other side of Marlon's younger self was a young female with (H/l) (H/c) hair and bright (E/c) eyes as she wore the same team jersey that the other two wore proud.

The familiar voice if you companion snapped herself out of her thoughts as he spoke, "Sorry, what was that?"

"I asked who that was." He states as he was standing on his tippy toes as he tried to get the a good view of the full picture, pointing to the female.

"I'm not sure. Doesn't look like anyone we've met so far since we got here." she pointed out, more so to herself than to AJ. Taking another brief glance at the picture before gently handing it to AJ and she crouched to the floor. "Hold onto that, careful that it doesn't rip, it's not ours." she told him sternly as she started to cautiously pick up the larger pieces of glass, to avoid cutting herself and having anyone step on the shards.

She paused what she was doing as the door leading to the hallways creaked behind her. Curious, her gaze on the door as it was lightly nudged open, showing no one there. Finally it swung half way open as the dog, Rosy, trotted in and immediately began to growl at the two in the said office. On pure instinct, Clementine pulled AJ behind her as in a protective manner as she jumped back as unnerving fear took over her, slowly making herself and AJ step back each time Rosy drew closer.

At that moment, Marlon rushed into the room, "What the hell is going on in here?!" his line of sight landed on the two backing away from the dog. Quickly understanding the situation, he walked over and stroked Rosy's head. "Whoa, easy there girl, nothing to be scared of." he softly said as the mammal instantly calmed down at the soothing touch of her human companion, her tail wagging as a sign she was now calm. Once that was dealt with, Marlon looked up to see Clementine, who was still heavily anxious, still hiding AJ behind her.

"She just needs to get to know you a bit." The older male suggested, unfortunately before he could continue on, a soft crunch could be heard, he glanced down and saw the shards of glass. His eyes widened at the sight as he took a step back, "Where did all this come from?"

Clementine caught on to what he was referring to, glancing over her shoulder as she stepped off to the side while nudging AJ out from behind her. Shyly, the kid walked forward and held the picture out to him. The instant he saw the picture in AJ's hands, his facial features softened as he reached a hand out, taking the picture from him. A saddened expression crossed his features as he stared down at the old photograph.

AJ fidgeted awkwardly for a few moments as he grew unsure of what to do or say next. "Uhmm, Marlon, who is that?" he asked curiously as he pointed to the female. Marlon released a dready sigh as he shook his head, walking over to the former headmaster's desk, folding the picture and placing it in one of the drawers. "No one you need to worry about."

Clementine's eyes narrowed at the male in suspicion, his voice, expression, and the way he avoided the topic didn't settle well within her. It seemed much to forced, regretful, and complete sorrow. She urged AJ and herself over to the desk where Marlon was now spreading out the map of the area around the building. She eyed the drawer that held the photo as more questions raised up about this group's history. Yet, she also knew it wasn't her place, as she had secrets of her own.

Her thoughts ended there as she was drawn back into the real world as Marlon briefly went over the positions and each important role the community. Once asked where she prefered to help out with, she thought for a moment before lifting a hand and pointing to the treeline next to the school.

"I'll help hunt."


There ya guys go xD anotherrrr partaaaa


-word count of 1395.

-(c) (Y/N) belongs to you.

-(c) Characters, songs and game belong to rightful owners/creators.

-(c) I do not own anything except for this plot line and story for this fanfiction. The game itself and plot line belongs to the amazing original creators, Telltale.

-Published on September 28, 2018.

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