Chapter Thirty.

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"I'll Come back."


"Louis! Just because you can't do anything doesn't mean I don't have my jobs anymore!"

The female squealed out as she had previously attempted to crawl out of bed as the male seemed to still be sleeping. Unfortunately, for her, she didn't get very far before an arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her back into a toned chest as she was innocently spooned from behind.

"I'm trying to sleep.."

The male murmured out tiredly as he pressed his forehead against her neck and shoulders while hugging her close. She huffed a small giggle as she gave up her attempts to escape, shifting her body as she moved to lay on her back as she faced him, who now was laying on his side, eyes barely open as he watched her with a small smirk of a smile.


He cooed huskily as he leaned forward, pressing a long, passionate kiss to her lips before pulling back, as sweet smiles danced on both of their faces.


They continued to gaze at eachother lovingly for moments longer. Until their morning peace and quiet were disrupted by a familiar knocking on the door as a voice called out from the otherside.

"You both better be dressed in there."

"No we're not. Go away."

Louis responded with a tired tone as he pressed his head back against the pillow, his arm laying across (Y/n)'s stomach as she norted, smacking his arm before calling out.

"Yes, Marlon, we're dressed."

After she had spoken up, a relieved sigh was heard as the creak of their bedroom door was heard being pushed open. He shook his head and smiled softly upon seeing his closest friends in bed cuddling, while also being completely clothed, much to his relief.


"What do you want?"

The annoyed words Louis had spoken only earned another slap to the shoulder as she hissed teasingly at him.

"Be nice."

"I don't wonna."

Marlon chuckled as he rested his hands on his hips.

"Sorry Louis. But since you can't go anywhere with that sprain of yours. I'll be going with (Y/n) today to hunt in the area just out past the traps, so more along the riverbank."

Louis groaned as he only tightened his hold around his lover's waist, mumbling a quite 'mine' that was just loud enough for both of them to hear, which made the two laugh lightly.

"(Y/n), we'll be heading out soon so we could get back before dark."

The female nodded as she gave the blond male a thumbs up. "Be there in a bit!" She called out as he turned and left the room while closing the door behind him.

When time came for the female to start preparing to leave with Marlon, Louis and his trusty sidekick, the cutches, headed outside to wait by the gate. When (Y/n) finally left the old school building, fixing the arrow holder that held all of her ammunition for her crossbow that she carried it closely. She looked up from her hands and saw Louis waiting for her by the gate. She smiled as she jogged over to him, the two began to talk and joke as she waited for Marlon.

"Hey. Be careful out there." 

"You're one to talk."

"Babe, (Y/n), I'm serious."

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