Chapter Twenty One.

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"Another Shoulder to Cry On."


"You should slow down, take a chance to breath the non toxic air, ya'know."

Louis stated with a sly smirk as he and his good friend, (Y/n) made their down the fozen pathway towards the river. The buckets on either side of their forms thumping gently against their thighs as they walked. The (h/c) haired female hummed in acknowledgement as she continued to walk with a slight bounce in her step.

"I know.. but, people are sick- we need to be able to support them-"


Louis interrupted the female companion with a quick, stern mention of her name  causing the two of them to stop their current journey as they faced one another.


She questioned meakly in concern, her previous smile slowly falling from her face. The male shook his head, shifting his attention to the ground as he hesitated for a moment, inhaling a deep breath as he returned his gaze onto her.

"They... they're not your responsibility."


"I mean- I'm not saying forget them! Th-that's not what im trying to say!"

He stuttered as he held his  hands and buckets up in defence, worried he had crossed the line with his horrible phrasing. (Y/n) hadn't moved nor said a word as she tilted her head and raised a brow at his suddenly unusual behaviour.  She took a step closer to him as she put down a bucket and lifted her free hand to rest on his forearm.

"Calm down... I can't make out what you're trying to say.." She responded with patience and comfort. He hesitated for a moment before finally gathering his thoughts to speak.

"What I'm trying to that all of this isn't your responsibily. You... ever since Talia passed, you blamed yourself for everything happening.."

He managed out in a gentle tone.

"But it is-"

"No. No it's not... it's the community's responsibility. Not just you alone, and I'm making it so that my new task is making sure you know that."

"I need to help-"

"You need help."

"Hey! What the hell is that supposed to mean?!"

She exclaimed out, her cheeks reddening as she jumped to her sudden conclusion. He male's eyes widened as she shook his head and chuckled softly.

"I'm not saying see a shrink or some shit. I'm saying that this isn't something you can do alone."

"But the others are tired, and they need rest, and most can't do anything-"

"Then let me."


"Let me be the one to help you."

She went quiet, unable to understand anything that was happening.



"What? No, Louis, you need a break too-"

"I have been taking a break, (Y/n), the adults don't let majority of us do shit.. I want to help.. I want to help you."

The male said, voice thick with stern and support. He remembered everyday the last couple of months of his female companion working herself to death while he and the others sat on the sidelines doing the smallee chores. His glistening brown eyes wavering with determination.

The female stood frozen to the very spot she stood on. Her hand never leaving Louis's forearm as she continued to stare up at him with her (e/c) eyes wide. Her cheeks flushed warmly as her heart swelled. Her mind was clustered with the combination of her thoughts racing and short circuiting, that is until her mind came to a stillness, settling on a realization.

She adored him.

For as long as she could possibly remember being friend with him, she adored many things about him.

His classic acts of humor he had as he aimed to brighten everyones day just a little more.

His sweet soul never tainted as he was there for those in need.

His hope that things will get better never seemed to be doubtful as it was him who believed in the best in everyone.

Including this very moment, she never ceased to adore him as this very man before her continued to comfort her. He even went against the strict orders of the older teens and remaining adults as he left the gate to help her. No matter how many times she came down to the conclusion of him wanting to help her, she couldn't wrap her brain around it.

Little did she know, he was absolutely head over heals for her, however he refused to say anything of it for the time being.

Louis internally grew increasingly nervous that he had crossed the line the his practical declaration of eternal support. His heart pounded loudly in his chest for only his ears alone to hear, as his palms grew more and more sweaty as he proceeded to hold a firm grip on the handles of the buckets. His mind now racing with each possibility that he had screwed up, that this wasn't enough for her, turning for a dark turn that he wasn't enough for her. Before his mind could dwell on his latest thought, he swore he heard the fainted snirk.

He blinked dumbfoundedly as the gears in his brain came to an abrupt stop. The female leaned her head down, silent before she started to giggle out a heartfelt laugh.

The boy was so concerned he had broken her pretty little mind the he swiftly setted the buckets down as placed his hands on her shaking shoulders as she continued to laugh. Only for her to respond with a gentle shake of her head and a wave of her hand as she dismissed his worrying gaze. Her melodic laughter slowly came to an end as she hrin widely up at him, a smile that made his heart stop and race altogether.

"Thank Louis.. I never knew how much I needed to hear that until now."

She said, her cheeks dusted with a red hue as she continued to smile up at the male, who visibly relaxed infront of her as he now knew he hadn't done anything wrong, a small smile of his own gracing his features.

"I'll let you be my shoulder to cry on.. if you let me be yours."

(Y/n) said with higher spirits than she had ever felt in the last six months combined, all because of this male before her that she adored so much.

He sighed in relief with his own smile, nodding.

"Wouldn't  ask for anything different."

Once the two came to terms. Louis with having her accept that she doesn't have to take on everything along, and with (Y/n) feeling as if a weight has been lifted from her shoulders.

She stepped back and bent down to pick up the buckets, Louis following suit.

"Let's finish this."

Unfortunately for the two teens, things weren't going to become easier for them once they return to their home. As a left over bottle of pills and three teens having no motivation to live on anymore, may seem like little damage, when in reality  it changes everything.


word count of 1235.

-(c) (Y/N) belongs to you.

-(c) Characters, songs and game belong to rightful owners/creators.

-(c) I do not own anything except for this plot line and story for this fanfiction. The game itself and plot line belongs to the amazing original creators, Telltale.

-Created on December 28th, 2019

-Published on December 29th, 2019

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