Chapter Seven.

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Chapter Seven.
“The Gate.”


The next morning just after the crack of dawn, (Y/n) could feel herself being shaken lightly by her roommate, Talia, a brunette in her late teens. The two knew each other before the apocalypse due to their family being friends with one another. In fact, it was Talia’s parents who recommended the once normal boarding school for (Y/n)’s parents. She was thankful cause she wouldn't trade coming here for anything, even if on the verge of death.

“You have to get up. Breakfast will be happening soon.” Talia’s Australian like accent was heard once more as the younger female groaned. Her eyes narrow as she stared up at the bunk bed above, once awake enough she pushed herself to sit up as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes as he body released a heavy yawn. “Morn’n Talia.” she croaked out as she slowly woke herself up, earning a soft chuckle from the older female. “Morning to you too, now come on, get up.” she urged (Y/n) on getting up so that they could go grab some food for the morning. With a dragging yawn and a stretch of her arms, the younger female swung her legs over the side of the bed as she hopped off.

Talia and (Y/n) made small talk as they made their way down the long, empty corridors of the building. Finally reaching the courtyard where a few of the eldest members could be seen trying to split portions of  breakfast for each person attending. She walked over to the table where breakfast was being served while Talia headed off to where her boyfriend, Rory, was.

At a distance, the morning meal seemed to look much larger, when really it was a small snack. The rations of the said snack varies due to age or body build of a person.

“Oh, (Y/n)! G’morning! Your portion is over there.” Kissandra, one of the adults standing there, said while pointing to a couple of berries, a slim amount of deer meat, and an apple. Unfortunately, when she saw it up close, she knew that she couldn't accept it as she shook her head. “You should give it to the kids.” she says while looking of her shoulder to where some of the youngest were playing. “You're a kid too, you need to eat.” “Then I'm not hungry. Please just give it to them, I can wait.” She pleads, the older dark skinned female released a heavy sigh, slowly shaking her head as she knew she wouldn't be able to change (Y/n)’s mind. “Alright, but you MUST eat at next meal.” she emphasizes her order with a raised brow, earning a firm nod from the youngest of the two.

(Y/n) turn swiftly on her heels as she started to walk off, only stopping herself a few short steps away before turning back around. “Do you know where Gavin is?”
Kissandra looked back up at her before scanning the courtyard. “He was here not to long ago...he might be in the office. Check there.”

Upon a lead to Gavin's location, the (h/c) haired female nodded once more before heading back into the school. It wasn't long until she uncoincidentally ran into him in the halls, startling them both for a moment before the male cracked a grin. “Ah, ya finally woke up I see.” He says as he ruffled her hair, causing her to croak out a groan in frustration as she swats his hand away. “Gavin! No!” taking a step away from him as her hands began to fix the slight mess of her hair that he had made.

Remembering her intentions of finding him, her expression quickly turned to serious. “Can I talk to you?” Not liking the serious tone in her voice, Gavin frowned as he nodded, urging her to continue. Taking a deep breath, she finally spoke up once more, “I want to be one of the ten to go on the mission.” Silence filled the air as tension and initial shock grew thicker. The male blinked, his mouth opening and closing as he tried to find his words, he eventually just released a tired sigh as his shoulders sagged. “You spied on us again?” (Y/n) couldn't help but to feel a ping of guilt as she looked away from him. He only shook his head softly at her actions, “I didn't want to ask you, but you're one of the best independent people here..”

Surprised at his words, her head snapped back up at him. “Wait, really? Who else did you pick?” she asked curiously with a strange tone of excitement. Running a hand through his hair, Gavin replied with, “So far a few adults and I have agreed that we believe that myself, Valerie, Nora, Aasim, Louis, Talia, Mitch, Ezekiel, and Skylar.”

“Wait, what about Marlon? And Violet, and Minerva and-"

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Calm down. We need them to stay here to help out. Marlon is the best of most of us to hell out with the kids since Marcy trusts him so much, meanwhile the others are here to help Raya and the others incase in need of hunting and so on.”

The smaller female huffed at his answer, wanting more of her friends to join due to her faith and trust in them. Yet, she knew there wasn't any point in arguing about it. “..Last question, when do we leave?”

“It was supposed to be three or so days from now, but with our food rations slimming down, we may have to go tomorrow instead.”

He explained while lifting a hand as he placed it onto her shoulder, guiding and allowing the two to start walking to the doors that lead back outside. “I'll explain more around noon when everyone is present, some left to check our traps.” once outside, Gavin was called over by a few of his friends, before bidding goodbye to (Y/n) and patted her shoulder as he walked off. Not sure where to get just yet, she lingered for a little longer, until something caught her gaze. Walking across the whole courtyard as she approached the large metal gate that loomed over her intimidatingly. The very gate that she last exited five years ago.

The same gate that the ten selected people for the mission will all walk out, together.


-word count of 1122.

-(c) (Y/N) belongs to you.

-(c) Characters, songs and game belong to rightful owners/creators.

-(c) I do not own anything except for this plot line and story. The game itself and plot line belongs to the amazing original creators, Telltale.

-Published on September 15, 2018.

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