Chapter Eight.

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Chapter Eight.
“The Ten That Left The Gate.”


A full day had passed since (Y/n) had spoken with Gavin about the group of ten heading out. Her (e/c) orbs gazed up at the large gate that practically stared back. Shifting her weight from one foot to the other every few moments, the napsack that hung from her shoulders as she held it close to her body. She was anxious for the mission, yet at the same time she was excited. Excited to finally be able to leave the school's closed off property and see a new change of scenery.

“Can’t hold still, can you?”

The female jumped at the familiar voice behind her as she swiftly spun on her heels to face the person. Only to see that it was Louis, who starred in amusement to her reaction as he slid his backpack over his shoulder. The day before everyone going on the mission were informed by Gavin some point throughout the day so that they would have time to prepare themselves.

She narrowed her (e/c) eyes at him as she swatted at his shoulder. “Don't sneak up on me like that!” she hissed softly while glancing around to see if anyone else had saw, luckily for her, no one had. She released a soft sigh as Louis stepped forward to stand next to her as looked up at the towering gate, letting out a soft whistle himself. “Today's the day, huh…I was beginning to think that this day would never come.”

(Y/n) nodded slowly as she turned to face the gate again. “'s kinda weird. Waiting so long for this to happen that it's hard to believe it's finally here. I'm just..worried” Louis turn to look at her, smiling softly as he gently placed a hand on her shoulder. “We’ll be okay. You’ll be okay. We'll leave for a couple of days, collect as much food and supplies we can find from the village not far from here, head straight back, and totally have a bonfire!”

She could help but to return a smile of her own, his excitement and happiness was contagious as it usually was. Opening her mouth to speak up, a gravelly voice spoke up from behind the the two tweens.
“Ugh, just make out already and get on with it. We don't have time for lovebirds.”

Louis and (Y/n) turned around only to both recognize the long, shaggy, blonde hair that belonged to one of the other younger adults at the school, Skylar.  After seeing who it was, it suddenly clicked to the two what he had said, which caused the female flushed slightly in embarrassment. Meanwhile Louis blinked with a slight flush of his own before clearing his throat aggressively, “Soo… where's everyone else?” he finally asked as he looked around, only to see no one else nearby. Receiving a heavy shrug from the older man as he walked past them and to a spot along the wall of the gate and leaned against it. “No idea. Though the bastards should hurry up. We need to head out before noon.”

The two friends rolled their eyes at the older male as he grew more impatient by the second. The female of the two finally speaking up once more as she turned to face Louis. “Have you talked to Marlon and the others yet today?” Louis hesitated in thought for a moment before nodding. “I talked to Marlon earlier this morning, though I wanted to avoid saying goodbye to the girls, it would take to long. I mean, you know how girls are.” He stated with a smirk and a teasing wink, causing (Y/n) to scoff a light snort as she playfully backhanded his shoulder.

As if on cue to the smack, the other steadily came to meet in front of the gates. (Y/n) scanned the small gathering, seeing Talia and her boyfriend, Rory, and a few of their friends bidding goodbye to her. Some of the younger members came by to bid their farewells to Aasim and Mitch. Kyra could be seen off to the side as she and her brother, Ezekiel, briefly chatted before he walked to stand beside Gavin and the other older few. Gavin stepped forward after some time as he did a quick headcount to make sure everyone involved was there.

“Alright, everyone's here.” Gavin said, gaining the attention from the people in the area before continuing. “Our group will be heading to the small community town that’s at least a day or two of a walk from here. During our time gone, Kissandra will be in charge.” He pointed a thumb over his shoulder to Kissandra, who stood off to the side.

Turning back to face everyone else, the leader looked at each of the younger members that were joining the mission. “Before we go, are you guys certain you wonna do this?” he asked as (Y/n) realized what was going on. The leaders were scared, scared to bring the ‘kids’ with them on something like this, and when she saw no one backing out, she knew that everyone's minds were set. Especially hers.

A nudge to her side caused her to glance over, seeing Louis giving her a comforting smile along with a nod. She returned a soft smile as she nodded back before the two looked forward again.

The gates creating the loud, signature squeal as the opened. Racing heart beats among the few that never left the gates for so long were so loud that anyone could've heard them. (Y/n) could feel her clenched hands begin to sweat with each moment that passed. This was the moment of truth for any of them, the moment they were going to have to show their worthy and skills to being able to help out more within the community.

Each member on the mission walked forward, few hesitating steps along with confident, sturdy steps as they made their way forward.

Once past the large perimeter  wall, the familiar creak of the gates was heard as (Y/n) turned around to face the closing gates. This was it, she thought to herself.
The day that the group of ten left the gates.


-word count of 1095.

-(c) (Y/N) belongs to you.

-(c) Characters, songs and game belong to rightful owners/creators.

-(c) I do not own anything except for this plot line and story for this fanfiction. The game itself and plot line belongs to the amazing original creators, Telltale.

-Published on September 22, 2018.

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