Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen:
“The Town”


The now alerted group made their way through the deserted streets of the town, passing by a few lonely walkers that where loitering within alleyways or struggling to move on the streets. Each set of eyes watched their surroundings closely for any sudden movement that should be known and considered to be a threat towards the said members.

(Y/n)’s brows furrowed as she followed the others, almost stumbling from time to time as she lost thought and forgot how dangerous of a situation she was in. The sense of being in a town after many years brought a sharp wave of nostalgia, one that herself a headache and a desire for the world before. A world where kids played on the streets, adults chatting amongst each other so merrily, how the energy of the bustling town felt positive. A world that's left as a long gone memory and as a new fantasy that many crave for over time.

“Sooo..what now?”

The voice brought (Y/n)’s mind from out of the clouds and back to earth as she looked forward, realizing it was Aasim who had spoken up. As she forced herself to followed the conversation at hand, she grew more stotic to everything around her.

“We'll have to split up, meet back here before the sun sets.” Gavin states with a sigh as he rubs the nape of his neck nervously as he mentally tries to figure everything out.
“I suggest we split up into the same groups we were in yesterday when we were at the houses, so Ezekiel and Skylar can take Mitch. Talia and I can take (Y/n) and Aasim. Lastly Nora and Valerie can take Louis. I want to spread up out any thinner than this, so everybody stay close to each other and don't wander off.”

Some internal grunts could be faintly heard from few of the members of the group, mainly Skylar and Nora as this felt to be a babysitting task rather than the actual mission. (Y/n) stole and immediate and quick glance to Louis, seeing as he fell into deep thought, the expression he wore was a mixture of determination and concern.

A hand on her shoulder startled the said female as she glanced up, see it was Talia who smiled warmly down at her. “Don't worry, we'll all be okay, you'll see each other before sunset. And hey, if we get enough supplies from this loot, it's possible that we can head straight back to the boarding school first thing in the morning.” The older of the two chirped cheerfully, it was enough to bring back a small smile to her face as she felt herself calming down and believing Talia's words. She glanced back at Louis and some of the others, “Yeah, yeah, of course. Thanks.” (Y/n) said she she looked up once more, now thr small smile shown for Talia to see.

“Alright, let's go guys, we haven't gotten all day, it's almost afternoon and I want us to meet back here before sunset.” Gavin spoke up once more, catching everyone's attention. It was a few more moments of everyone saying a quick goodbye to each other before heading off into their designed direction.


Louis sighed softly again and he glanced up, looking from the very quiet Nora and Valerie before looking up at the sky to see where the sun was now positioned, it was already starting to fall from the half point, so it's been a good few hours since everyone separated into their groups for this loot. Though he knew since it's the fall season, night would approach much quicker than anyone would intend, leaving only a few hours at best before regrouping. As he kept his eyes on the sky, he suddenly ran into Valeria, who and Nora both had stopped walking. Valerie let out a string of curses to Louis’ action, as he opened his mouth to say something, he and Valerie were then shushed by Nora.

The redhead made sure that the two teens were quiet before tapping her ear, then pointing to one of the building only a couple feet away from them.


The two caught onto the memo of what Nora was saying as the turned to stare at the said building. It wasn't long before a faint, yet noticeable crash to be heard, startling the three of them.

“What the hell was that?” He whisper yelled at the two as his eyes were glued to location where they had heard the crash. The question earned a simple shrug from Nora, which lead to Valeria whispering back, “Doesn't make sense for it to be a walker-” She gasped as her eyes widened while staring at Nora, “-another survivor?!” Her voice grew panicky as she feared for the worst. Louis was taken aback at Valerie's statement, but soon came to realise how she may be right, and with one look at Nora seemed to confirm both of their fears.

“Looks like we have company.”

As we all waited a bit longer for the noise to settle down, it was soon clear that it wasn't one person, but a few at most as their voices became audible enough for us to be able to decipher it as humans. “We need to go, now, tell and warn th-”

A loud gunshot and a cry, no, a scream echoed throughout the streets behind us. Sending a fierce chills to run up our spines as a series of gunshots rang out. “Shit, move, move!” Nora cursed as she nudged us down the same direction where we came from.

Just like earlier, Louis stumbled on his footing as he stared at where the gunshots and scream came from. A firm grip of Nora pulling him out of his thoughts as the three of them began to run, passing walkers heading to the said sounds. They grew closer to the meetup location with every passing minute, legs burning and heads pounding as their lungs cried out for air. As they finally approached the destination and took the time to recollect their breath, it was only then that something clicked to three. Louis’ brown eyes widened with horror and he, Nora, and Valerie glanced up to where the shooting came from.

It's where the other two groups went.


AUTHOR NOTE;'m not dead. Jist school has been taking up majority of my time. But as you can see with this update, I have no intentions of droping the story. Hope ya'll like this chapter, personally I don't see it as one of my best, but it'll have to do xD
Have a good day!


word count of 1092.

-(c) (Y/N) belongs to you.

-(c) Characters, songs and game belong to rightful owners/creators.

-(c) I do not own anything except for this plot line and story for this fanfiction. The game itself and plot line belongs to the amazing original creators, Telltale.

-Published on November 18th, 2018.

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