Stepping aside to let her in, Lexa takes a deep breath. All her knowledge about escorts can be narrowed down to three movies and a handful of distasteful stories some of her clients had told her. Clarke strips her heavy coat and places it neatly over a chair, setting her clutch neatly beside it, making Lexa realize she's nervous - a something she hasn't been in years.

"You've got a nice place here," Clarke walks around a little, staring out the window. Lexa can't help but be glad for the small talk as it gives her time to gather her bearings, "Did you know you can see the Hudson River from here?"

"I did, yes," Lexa puts simply - it was the main reason why she chose this hotel, after all - and bites the inside of her cheek as the blonde looks over her shoulder with a smile on her lips. Nodding politely, she walks over to the coffee table in the center of the room to retrieve the thick envelope with the agreed upon value and turning to hand it to Clarke.

"I believe you'll find everything in there," she states in an even voice that doesn't show the awkwardness she feels creeping up her neck. She holds her arms near her body, one hand holding onto an elbow, her back stiff as she watches Clarke quickly count the notes.

The business part of their encounter ends as Clarke tucks the envelope into the pocket of her coat; they're under a spoken agreement and Lexa has owned up to her word, now it's time Clarke do the same. The thought makes her shift uncomfortably under Clarke's attentive gaze as she turn to face the brunette.

Lexa knows how to handle business meetings with fat old men who think they know it all, she can hold a formal conversation with someone she just met, she knows her way around Wall Street; but her love life is a disaster. She's been trying to fit in for almost a decade now, and all she has to show for it is a long list of short, messy relationships and nightmare inducing dates. She can already tell her meeting with an escort will be every bit as traumatic.

Clarke takes a step closer, invading Lexa's personal space and burning through her insides with her hungry gaze. And it's been so long since she's been touched or even looked at the way Clarke is looking at her right now. Too damn long, she thinks when the blonde smirks.

"So..." the blonde takes tentative steps towards her, her sultry, husky voice filling the silence and Lexa wonders if it's possible for one word to have the power to heat up an entire room, "What do you have in mind?"

Lexa feels her stomach turning into ice and her lungs burning.

She's been so worried about the reasons that led her to call an escort or how to school her reactions when they were in bed that she forgot the most basic question the other woman could ask her. She knew better than to assume people who called an escort were always only after touch and release; it made sense for Clarke to ask such thing, as some people must come after her with strange fantasies.

What she had in mind, in that precise moment, was mostly shame of being so underprepared for this encounter and a ridiculous desire to run.

Pushing her hair back, she lets out a frustrated huff.

"I've never done this before, I'm not sure how to proceed," Lexa said almost sheepishly, keeping her head high and gaze locked with Clarke's. She didn't get where she is by being a slow learner; all she needs is some pointers.

"Why don't I start and you tell me what feels good?" Clarke takes a step forward as Lexa nods slightly in agreement.

The lawyer feels almost foolish at the way her breathing quickens and it's mortifying to know Clarke notices it - they are close enough for Lexa to feel Clarke steady respiration hit her cheek. Forcing herself to not fidget, Lexa holds Clarke's gaze, blue eyes boring into hers as the blonde raises her hand to trace a soft line from her collarbone to the back of her neck.

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