Innocence is a Secret Weapon

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Carlos was sat in a small cubic dock. It was located at the far right hand corner of the courtroom. Behind him, stood a tall, muscular figure towering over Carlos, watching. Every move he made, every word he said, every sound he made, it was all watched by the man behind him. Outside the dock he could see general members of the public watching and journalists taking photos and writing notes, in front of them were several witnesses who were all sat patiently, waiting for their turn and time to testify. Carlos recognised some of the witnesses, such as Mr Cooper and officer Sandy. Just in front of the witnesses lay a huge table and on either side were the two lawyers, Carlos could see Mrs Skiller on the right end making notes as witnesses were testifying out their story, she was clinching on to what looked like a stress ball, clinching it so hard that it looked like the ball was about to rip apart. On the other end, Carlos saw, what he assumed to be, the prosecutor, he was stood up and was interrogating and questioning the witness who was up at the podium. At the very back of the room was the judge, Carlos couldn't work out whether the judge was a man or a woman, because they were wearing a wig, but the judge definitely did not look as stressed as the two prosecutors, instead he looked rather laid back and tired; his head was resting on his right hand and his right elbow was rested on the side of his chair, he was just yawning and nodding, whilst listening to the witness' testimony. Carlos didn't blame him for this, the trial was a bit boring, listening to witnesses being asked the same questions and anyways him and Mrs Cooper had already interrogated two of the witnesses, what was the point of Carlos listening to her doing it again? It was his own trial and Carlos was about to fall asleep, sometimes Carlos wondered if lawyers cared more about the case than the actual defendant themselves. It wasn't that Carlos didn't care, it was just that he couldn't be bothered to listen to the trial, well he had a lawyer for a reason. Carlos shut his eyes and slowly watched as the whole world faded away into blackness...

Carlos is lying down in his bed, he wakes up and sees his mum, towering over his bed, with a warm and comforting smile running across his face. 

'Carlos, today is the day of your trial, today is the day we can forget about all of this, once the jury find you innocent,' she says, trying to reassure him.

'Mum, you know I am innocent, don't you, you believe that I did nothing wrong?' Carlos asks, he is still lying in his bed.

'Of course I do, sweety ,'  she smiles. 'Time to get up, we don't want to keep anyone waiting.'

'Mummy, what if they think I am guilty?'  Carlos asks, he suddenly sees a worrying change in his mom's face. 'Will they  lock me up forvever?'

'No they will find you innocent , and they won't lock you up forever, we will appeal and get you out, but that won't happen, because the jury will find you innocent and it will all be done and dusted.'  She winks at him. 'Remember your innocence is a secret weapon, as long as you have innocence you will be safe.'

Carlos opens his mouth to speak, but feels a tap on his shoulder, his mum has left the room, it can't be her, he looks behind and sees the guard, as his dream fades back into reality...

'Wake up sleepyhead,' the guard frowned. 'The judge is talking to you.'

Carlos stared at the judge, 'Carlos Shapley, please do pay attention.'

'Sorry, your honour.'

'Mrs Skiller would you like to repeat your sentence,' the judge said.

'I call my client Carlos Shapley to the stand,' Mrs Skiller announced.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2020 ⏰

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