Mikey's Story

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Friday the thirteenth. Of course, it happened on that day. The myth about the day being cursed was no myth, it was a fact. It is a fact. It'll always be a fact. A fact that is true.

It happened again; Mikey had to stay for an afterschool detention. Again. What were his parents going to say? It had happened more than five times this half term, all because of his Geography teacher. Every single time Mikey spoke, the teacher just so happened to turn around. Loads of other children spoke, but they never got caught, Mikey just had bad luck. Again.

Okay. I'll get through this afterschool detention and no more. This will be the last. No more, thought Mikey.

Mikey waited outside of the teacher's classroom, until eventually he was let in.

An hour passed and the bell rang, the detention was over. Mikey hoped that was the last moment he would be in a detention. The teacher let Mikey out and Mikey was ready to go home.

As Mikey was walking down the geography corridor, he spotted Scott. Scott Winchester. The boy who made Mikey's life misery. The boy who always got away.

'Hey Mikey, had fun in your detention,' Scott sarcastically remarked. Mikey ignored him and carried on walking. 'Mikey, you talk in lessons when you're not supposed to, but you don't talk when you're supposed to. Such a strange child.'

'I don't know what you want me to say,' replied Mikey. Suddenly, Scott's face went red with anger and frustration.

'Listen, here. Don't argue back at me, like that,' exclaimed Scott, fury in his eyes. Scott then punched Mikey in the stomach. Mikey started to run when he noticed a hammer on the floor. Mikey picked up the hammer and knew what to do with it.

He swung it right at Scott's foot, hoping to cause minor injury. However, minor is not the word to use as Scott fell on the floor and stopped breathing. Stopped completely.

Mikey convinced the judge it was unintentional, and the judge classed it as man-slaughter, sentencing Mikey to five years imprisonment.

Mikey knew he had lost his innocence through a foolish act.

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