Digging for Escape

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The boys had been walking for around ten minutes to a place where they knew would be unguarded at this time of night. It was a small patch of grassland, that was just by the edge of the prison boundaries. It was a safe place to go if you wanted to escape, but that didn't mean it was a nice and pleasant place to go it was dark, scary, muddy and wet. There were loads of insects and rodents that often-made people rather stay in the prison, as opposed to escape.

'Carlos, you're plan won't work,' Mikey said.

'Yes, it will, Officer Jackson will be asleep we take his clothes, disguise as him and convince Officer Sarah at the watchtower to let us out,' Carlos announced proud of his plan.

'That won't work, because the Warden is playing loud music from a speaker to Jackson, so he won't be asleep,' Mikey responded.

'Well, we can turn the speaker off and then he'll fall asleep again,' Carlos said adamantly.

'But Sarah at the watchtower knows about your plan and she is not letting anyone out of the prison from the back gate,' Mikey said, shaking his head.

'Okay fine, we'll have to think of a new plan,' Carlos gave in, reluctantly.

'So, I took us both to this grassland for a reason, because it is wet and soggy, we'll be able to dig through it really easily and make it under this fence. Once we have done that, we are on the other side of the fence, the garage. You have a key card, so we can easily get into the garage and take a car. These cars can be opened using a key card, so we will have no trouble driving one,' Mikey explained. 'Every midnight, a delivery truck comes into the prison with supplies. Sarah has only been given the instruction to not let people out of the prison, so, it's no doubt she's gonna let the truck in, whilst the gate is open, we drive through using the car we would have taken and escape.'

'Sounds like a plan,' Carlos responded. 'But, quick question, what suddenly made you want to escape?'

'After what happened this evening, it was no doubt I was going to escape,' Mikey replied.

'What happened this evening?' Carlos asked.

'Long story,' Mikey responded. 'I'll tell you later.'

Carlos just nodded it off. Why did Mikey suddenly want to escape? What happened this evening? Why wasn't he telling Carlos? Was he hiding something? Questions began to burn inside of Carlos' head, but he had to take his mind off it. He had to focus on escape. Mikey started to dig using his hands, they had no spade or shovel, so submerging their hands into the mussy soil was the only option. It was eleven o'clock. The had less than an hour to dig, because they had to be ready to leave before midnight, else the gates would close without the boys leaving. Carlos began to dig.

After thirty minutes of solid digging, the boys had soon made a deep enough hole to slide through, Mikey beckoned for Carlos to go through. Carlos put his head, first, through the hole and then using his arms, he pushed himself forwards into a muddy puddle of water. He was now fully in the hole. He had to climb up to the other side of the fence. Moving one arm and foot at a time, Carlos soon made it to the other side, within a matter of minutes, he was on the other side of the fence. Moments later, Mikey did the same. The boys were now soaked, drenched and covered in mud, but phase one of Mikey's new plan had worked. They had twenty minutes until midnight. Twenty minutes to when the gate would open. Twenty minutes and the boys would hopefully be free.

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