The Plan

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The Plan

Carlos, still shocked at what had just happened, went back to his prison cell. He had thought of a plan and Carlos needed to begin the procedure instantly. Carlos had to start the plan before it was too late. He had written all the steps on a piece of newspaper, just in case he had forgotten. The paper read:

The Escape Plan:

1. Sneak out of the cell at eight o'clock SHARP. This is the time the Warden leaves for an evening perimeter check and leaves his key card unguarded at the office desk.

2. Make a swift move to the office desk, but silence is imperative else the plan won't work.

3. Take the key card.

4. Go through the ventilation system. An entrance to the system is right by the office desk.

5. Jump down from the system, when above the canteen.

6. Use the key to leave the canteen, which is unguarded at this time of day.

7. This should take you to an isolated corridor. At this point the warden has completed the perimeter check and assumes that nothing suspicious is in the canteen. So, the canteen area is unguarded.

8. The back door of the corridor takes you out of the prison building.

9. Then you will need to climb a fence that will take you to the back of the prison.

10. There is usually a sleeping guard, small height, that is just ahead of the fence.

11. Knock out the guard unconscious and take his uniform. This uniform will work as the guard is small and no-one will notice a difference.

12. Wearing the uniform, take a police car and convince the guards at the gate to let you out.

13. Enjoy freedom!

Carlos knew he had a well thought out plan. He knew it would work, having spent five years in the prison, Carlos knew when, where and what everything was in the prison. Carlos stared at the clock. It was eight o'clock. Carlos snuck out of his cell, in a hurry, and the plan was in action.

However, in all the rush and hurry, Carlos had left his escape plan paper in his cell. Moments later, a guard came into the room. He picked up the sheet of newspaper. He read it. He now knew of the plan. Carlos' plan was foiled. Completely.

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