The Vents

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It was the sweat which Carlos hated. Carlos hated how suffocating the vents were, it was like being trapped in a cardboard box, but worse. Carlos was on his hands and knees crawling like a little dog, through a maze of metal walls. To make matters worse, Carlos was lost. There were several different routes he could take. He just had to pick wisely. One wrong move and he could be stuck in the vents for hours. He needed to make it to the canteen, where there would be no guards ensuring a safe escape plan.

Carlos sighed. But then he smelt something. Food. This must have been coming from the canteen. Carlos knew he had to follow the scent, until he reached an exit. An exit to the canteen. For minutes and minutes of pain, Carlos followed the scent, but it was not leading him to an exit, it was leading him to more and more corridors of vents.

Carlos carried on crawling for several minutes. Each minute getting worse and worse, the sweat was now drenching his face. Carlos hated it.

But Carlos had seen the worst, when he saw light. At last. An exit. Carlos knew what to do. He would need to push the door down and then slowly descend from the vents into the canteen. Carlos pushed the door down, not bothering about the noise because he knew there were no guards around. The door crashed onto the floor, THUD. Carlos then slowly descended his body from the vents before releasing his grip and landing on the floor. He had finished another phase of his plan, or he thought he had.

Suddenly, Carlos was confronted by a man dressed in black with a shield and stick. It was a guard. It was Greg. Carlos knew what to do. Get back in the vents. But coming down from the vents was Officer Bob. Carlos was surrounded. Carlos was in trouble. Big trouble.

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