A Driving Pain

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'Mikey. Where we gonna go? How we gonna get there if you can't drive?' Carlos asked.

'Well, I say we ought to go to town. I know a friendly lawyer who can help us.'

'Ok, how we gonna get there if you can't drive?'

'Well, all you gotta do is push a pedal and steer a wheel. Can't be too hard.'

Well, that's what Mikey thought, and Mikey thought wrong. They were driving from curb to curb, scratching and denting every corner of the car, it was a driving pain. They had barely even left the sight of the prison and they still had a couple more miles to go if they wanted to make it to town. But that wasn't the issue. The main issue was that behind them, in the distance, Carlos spotted the prison gate opening. A car with blue sirens was slowly driving towards the boy, they needed to be able to drive safely away from the officers.

'Mikey, drive straight, push the pedal as hard as you can,' Carlos yelled.

'But we need to go right, to town.'

'Doesn't matter. Just keep driving, we'll sort that out later,' Carlos figured. 'All we gotta do is lose sight, because its dark they won't know which way we went. Just drive straight. You've done it before.'

Mikey nodded and the car was once again travelling at such a high speed. Despite making him queasy, Carlos was beginning to enjoy the thrill that was rushing down his spine. It really was the highlight of this escape. Not only that, but it was an effective method, as the boys were out of the sight of the officers within seconds.

'Now we need to find out how to get to tow-.'

'Don't worry. I know the way,' Mikey responded.

Carlos shook his head. How did Mik-.

'You ready to go?' Mikey asked.

Carlos nodded. It was good that the plan was working well. But something didn't feel right. It was Mikey. He was acting strange. He knew more about the prison than Carlos, who had been there for five more years than him. Mikey always had a back up plan. He always had an answer to everything. When Carlos dropped the key card on the sprint to the garage. Mikey somehow knew that there would be a key card inside. Mikey also somehow knows the way to town. But was all this just a stroke of luck and guesswork.

The car engine began to start, and Mikey began to drive. Wait, his driving was flawless. How had Mikey suddenly learned to drive perfectly? Mikey was hiding something. Carlos needed to find out what it was.

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