Break In for a Car

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'You dropped the key card?' Mikey asked, trying not to reveal his anger. 'Oh, great. Well, we're not gonna have enough time to go look for it. But we may just be in luck. That window there is wide open. I'll give you a leg up and you climb through. Through the window, we can also see a key card, once you're in, grab the card and lemme in, we use the card to get in the car and drive out. Clear?'

'Crystal,' Carlos responded. 'But we're gonna have to be quick, we got less than five minutes to do this.'

Mikey nodded in agreement, as he beckoned for Carlos to jump on his leg. Carlos did so and Mikey pushed Carlos upwards towards the window. Carlos used his arms to grab onto the edge of the window. Using all his core strength he pushed himself up and through the window. Piece of cake. He was now in the garage.

Carlos looked around the room and saw a blue key card on one of the desks. Without hesitation, he leaped for the card and went towards the door to let Mikey in. Carlos looked at the clock, two minutes until midnight. He would have to let Mikey in and get in the car quick. Not a microsecond to waste. He swiped the card against the scanner and the door was open. Mikey ran through.

'Carlos you press that button, it will open up the garage door for the car to leave,' Mikey stated, as Carlos did just so, forcing the door to swing wide open. Mikey climbed into one of the cars using the card. Mikey sat in the driver's seat and put his seatbelt on; Carlos did the same on the seat next to it.


It was the bell. It was midnight. In the distance the gate was opening. They needed to start the car. Now.

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