Just Another Day

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Carlos stared outside of thick-barred windows to see heavy rain pouring down on the front yard of the block. Carlos let out a heavy sigh.

It's gonna be a long day at work, he thought.

Carlos had spent five years in this prison. Five years. Five years of being tortured, locked up and shamed, because of something he knew he didn't do. It was a feeling of anger that Carlos knew he would never lose.

Instead of going to school, like an ordinary 15-year-old would, Carlos had to spend his weekdays doing the laundry in a prison block alongside of notorious criminals that had committed theft, mugging and much worse. The rest of the inmates were around Carlos' age, except they were stronger, taller and much more violent. However, the prison wasn't all bad; they'd wake up at six o'clock and go for a morning jog. The morning jog was what Carlos really enjoyed; before Carlos was sentenced, he wanted to be a long-distance runner. Now that he was locked up, the morning jog was the only thing Carlos could do to train for that.

After the morning jog, Carlos would usually have breakfast, which usually was bread and butter with cold milk. If they were well-behaved, the staff would allow certain inmates to have their bread toasted. They would then work until lunch break and would then work again, until evening where they were given free time (either in the break room or the yard).

'Wake up, wake up,' yelled a guard, it was time to get up. Within moments, Carlos was out or bed and changed for the morning run. 'Oi! Carlos. This is Mikey. He is new here. I want you to be his buddy. I want no trouble.'

'Hi, you must be Carlos. I'm Mikey,' exclaimed the small boy. Mikey was a young boy, with brown hair and brown eyes, much like Carlos' eyes.

'Hi, Mikey. It's time for the morning run. Follow me,' Carlos told the boy.

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