Dreams are Just Dreams

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'Okay, good that you explained, that settles a lot,' Carlos sighed with relief.

'Yeah, I'm glad too, I know that there was a little bit of tension between us two, but I
hope that we can put it to rest and work on proving our innocence.'

'Our innocence?'

'Carlos, remember I am innocent too.'

'Oh yeah, I am gonna have to get used to that.'

'Yeah, but for now we need to get to Mrs Skiller, she's gonna be helping us file a case
to prove our innocence. Carlos, trust me when I say this, we could not have gotten a
better lawyer. Mrs Skiller is the top of the top, for now we can keep our hopes high,
but don't get too carried away we still got to get to town. It's another 50 miles or so,
we should be there in an hour and a half.'

'Remember there is gonna be traffic,' Carlos said, proud of his discovery.

'It's one in the morning, which jobless fool is gonna be driving on the roads at this

'The Warden and his guards.'

'Oh Carlos, I really dunno if you're calling them jobless of if you're trying to give me a
precaution of how they could be after,' Mikey chuckled.

'Both, I guess,' Carlos stuttered.

'Well, I guess we begin the journey to the lawyers, strap up and let's get rolling.'
The engine started; the tires warmed up and Mikey smiled: the boys were ready, ready
for a long journey.

Halfway through the journey, the boys had made it onto the motorway, it was only a
a straight line path to get to town from here, Mikey was relieved as it was hard to make
tight turns for him: he was a beginner driver and the lack of daylight did not help. The
two boys were exhausted and barely had any energy to speak, but Mikey found the
little energy he had and began a conversation.

'Carlos, once we prove our innocence, clear our name, then we can get educated, we
can get a real job, what is your ambition?'

'Mine, probably just to be a marathon runner, I never really thought too much about
my ambition, it never has been a priority to me, especially when I was in prison. What
about you Mikey?'

'I'd wanna be a lawyer, I wanna be able to prove the innocence of wrongly convicted
people. People just like us. That way these sorts of situations will never happen again.'

'It's nice to dream, especially during such a dark period of time,' Carlos sighed. 

'Dreams are just dreams, unless we act or train.'

The conversation broke down: it might have been the negativity of Mikey's sentence
or perhaps the boys' lack of energy, but there was little conversation for the rest of the
journey. Another hour or so passed and the boys were in town, but Carlos had already
fallen asleep. Mikey gently tapped Carlos' shoulder as his eyes slowly opened and he
began to gain a sense of the world.

'We're here. Time to wake up Carlos,' Mikey said softly.

'Great. Let's go,' Carlos responded.

'Not so fast, it's three in the morning, we got another five hours to go.' 

'What do we do in those five hours?' Carlos curiously questioned.

'What do we do in those five hours?' Carlos curiously questioned. 


'Then why did you bother waking me up Mikey?' Carlos joked.

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