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'Carlos, look I know it may be hard, considering how I have lied so much to you, but you gotta trust me, you really do. Okay, so, back in the prison I told you the story of how I ended up there, well, I can assure you that is not a lie, it was the truth. Ok maybe not the full truth, half true you could say. So, let me just flashback...Scott, you may remember was not being manageable, to be frank he was annoying. Very annoying. You remember how I told you I picked up the hammer and swung it at his legs, resulting in injury, well, we'll flashback from there. Once I swung the hammer at his foot, Scott fell on the floor, but he was not dead. Luckily, Scott had just come back from hockey practice, he was wearing shin pads. But that did not mean he was intact, there were bruises on his legs, and it must have hurt. Scott was not happy; I could see it in his eyes; nothing less than vengeance and fury. Without giving me a second to think, he charged at me leaving me startled. Out of complete naivety and fear, I dropped the hammer and oh boy was that a mistake, Scott grasped the hammer with both his hands and did not hesitate to use it to his advantage, I ran for it knowing the dangers, but he was too fast and he was within touching distance. I could hear the motion of the hammer swinging, I closed my eyes, but then Scott fell to the floor, I looked behind to see my geography teacher attacking Scott defending my life, Scott instantly stopped, but my geography teacher didn't, she kept on attacking him until he fell dead. I wanted to thank my teacher, but no. She ran off and threw the hammer, I caught it, moments later, police arrived and saw me holding the hammer, I was arrested and convicted. I was told by S.H.I.P. to make you believe I was guilty. But now you know I am innocent, but it is unknown. I am just like you Carlos.'

'Ok...all that tells me is that you are innocent,' Carlos said.

'Innocent and guilty, two words to describe someone, two very different words,' Mikey said.

'Fair enough, but what about S.H.I.P.?' Carlos asked.

'Are you listening. This is gonna be a long one, prepare yourself. Before I came to this prison I had already served 1 year of my sentence in a previous prison. I was sentenced for 6 years instead of the 5 years I had told you, once again S.H.I.P. wanted me to lie. Carlos, hold your nerve, I will get to S.H.I.P. later, but for now, I need to tell you about my time in the prison. It wasn't bad but wasn't good. I wanted freedom, just like you. In fact, I plotted to escape and very similar to you Carlos, I plotted to escape because a counsellor had insulted me, in fact it was the exact same counsellor, Parker. He works in both prisons. My plan was flawed, like yours especially towards the end, but funnily enough I managed to escape successfully, because counsellor, Parker so-called accidentally opened the door for me. I knew he was up to something, but what? It's like he wanted me to escape. I took no notice, all I cared about was that I was free, but not for long. I was caught not by the police but by S.H.I.P., who threatened to kill me, unless I were to help on the mission. Which leads to the present, me on my mission to help you escape. S.H.I.P. knows you're innocent, hence I am on my mission to help you escape. You got a lot of things right, Parker was part of the mission, his meeting with me was all planned to make you want to escape. I also pretended that I wouldn't come on you escape mission, because I knew your plan was flawed, so I took time o think of a better plan, and I was given lessons on the structure of the prison and driving.'

'Ok, that explains a lot, but I still don't know what S.H.I.P. is,' Carlos remarked. 'It sounds like some dodgy gang that wants to kidnap and brainwash innocent people.'

'Quite the opposite, it's a charity,' Mikey chuckled. 'Saving and Helping Innocent People.'

Innocence UnknownWhere stories live. Discover now