The Evidence Never Lies

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It was not a long wait, not long at all, Mrs Skiller arrived within a flash to the main waiting area, where Mikey and Carlos were seated. She was a young and tall lady with long, curly, black hair, which extended right down to her red, stripy shirt, which almost matched with her red, dotted trousers. She gestured for the two to come forwards to her office and the boys did just so. They were taken down a short corridor to her office, it was neat, but it was packed with bookshelves and bookshelves of paper and confidential documents. She beckoned at two chairs for Mikey and Carlos to sit down on, Mikey and Carlos cautiously sat down, while Mrs Skiller gave them a comforting wink. She did not smile, instead she looked rather stressed, perhaps her time as a lawyer had definitely taken a toll on her.

'Carlos and Mikey, I have been instructed by S.H.I.P to lead both your defence cases, now Mikey, I know that you have met with S.H.I.P before, but Carlos are you aware of what S.H.I.P is?' Mrs Skiller questioned

'Saving and Helping Innocent People,' Carlos responded, there was a slight tremble in his voice, but he was not too nervous: he knew that this woman meant no harm, she was only here to help.

'Perfect,' Mrs Skiller sighed with relief. 'Now I have both good and bad news for the pair of you. Which one do you want first?'

'We'll have the good news first, please.'

'Okay, so I have sent forward an appeal for the pair of you and it has been accepted. You both are legally allowed to have a re-trial, which leads me onto the bad news, the trial is in two days time. There is one of me and two of you. I need to prepare a good case for both of you within two days, it is a challenge but it is not impossible. I'll need both your co-operation in this. Luckily, the prison managed to get you here really quickly. By the way, how did you get here so quickly? I only sent the message to the prison an hour ago and I am sure it's about three hours drive from the prison to here.'

'They sent us by train,' Mikey lied, he then winked at Carlos when the lawyer wasn't looking, it was best to keep their escape a secret.

'Oh that's smart of them, well, we better get to work, so our plan is simple we need to challenge all the evidence which claims that you are guilty. I have managed to arrange with eye-witnesses for the pair of you, whom we can interrogate, however the police now require both of you to be cross-examined, so it is vital that you remain calm and composed and raise no alarm of suspicion. Do not lie to the police as you have no reason to, you are innocent. Right, are you clear with our plan?' The pair nodded in agreement.

'Splendid, now we shall begin to,' Mrs Skiller paused as she sniffed the air and smelt a potent and putrid smell coming from the boys. 'In fact maybe I will get to work on potential evidence, while both of you can have a quick wash, a change of clothes and maybe a small bite to eat. Does that sound okay?'

'Yeah sure.'

'Great, the shower room is the one next door on the right, there should be towels, shampoo and  a change of clothes in their already. So off you go.'

The boys left their chairs and headed towards the exit.

'Oh Carlos, Mikey, one more thing to remember, the evidence never lies.'

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