She was pretty sure she lost consciousness for a moment after she asked Clarke if she would be willing to pose nude and then was somehow revived when Clarke answered "yes". She couldn't believe the blonde agreed to do it, but she was glad she did. Even if she didn't use the photos, she wanted to get some experience shooting nudes and felt like she and Clarke had a great working relationship. And that's all it would be: a working relationship. Lexa wasn't about to mess that up by asking her out or drooling over her, no matter how badly she wanted to.

A part of her felt guilty for even considering a nude shoot, but Clarke agreed so readily and she seemed to really trust Lexa. So Lexa wanted to make this as comfortable as possible for her, which is why she was having this session at her loft instead of the photography studio on campus like they had been doing. Hence, the incessant cleaning.

She looked over at Anya, her eyes obviously giving away her inner turmoil.

"Oh god, that look. I know that look."

"What look?"

"That's the look of a Lexa in love."

"Shut up." Lexa could feel her face turning red as she sat down on the couch next to Anya.

"Oh my god, it's true! You've got a crush on her!"

Lexa buried her head in the pillow next to her.

"Okay, fine. I've got a crush. But that's all it is and all it can be."

Anya smirked at her. "A likely story. Twenty bucks says you two hook up within a week."

"It's not like that with her. It's a crush. It'll pass. She's a good person who doesn't deserve some girl drooling over her through a lens. It's creepy."

"Whatever, Romeo. You do realize the pull women have toward you, right? Chances are, she's already planning a way to get you into bed."

"That's not even remotely true." Lexa refused to allow herself to believe it. Though, she'd be lying if she said she hadn't thought of having Clarke in her bed. But the second she catches herself thinking about it, she stops. It's not fair for Clarke to have some perv with a camera fantasizing about her. Especially one that's about to photograph her in a very bare and vulnerable state. Lexa's refusal to think of Clarke as anything other than a photography subject or even as a friend has led to some cold showers and many thoughts of her favorite movie quotes just to get herself to chill the fuck out.


"Clarke, tell me again why you're obsessing over what you're going to wear? It's just a photoshoot and apparently you won't be wearing clothes for long, anyway."

"You know why, O. Now help me choose: this shirt or this one?" Clarke held up each shirt in hopes that her friend could make the decision for her. They'd been at this for almost an hour.

"The left one. Shows more cleavage."

Clarke tossed the other shirt on her bed and put on the one Octavia suggested.

"I don't even know why I'm bothering. She's shown no interest in me at all."

"Well, that's not true. You told me that second day there was that moment where she kept finding excuses to touch you."

"I thought that's what it was, but I guess she was just trying to adjust whatever position I was in to make the pose better."

"She could have told you instead of actually physically touching you." Octavia started gathering up Clarke's discarded clothes and tossed them to the side before sitting on the bed.


Clarke started touching up her makeup in the mirror.

"So, are you gonna go for it?"

Clexa One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now