Chapter 29: The Honourable Battle

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~~~Third P.O.V~~~

The plan had backfired immediately. There were way too many of Unicron and Megatron was nowhere to be seen. Once Optimus had made it through, they managed to make a small bunker in front of the clearing to the cave. This allowed them to hurl as much ammo as possible at the target without a problem behind a large stone rock. Predaking was nowhere to be seen, but Icarus was at the entrance, shooting back.

The other side of the mountain range was Megatron who could hardly keep up. Unicron had meant it when he said he would kill him first, as Megatron's head pounded with Unicron's spark beat. At the same time, he fought with at least 20 of the god, and the number kept increasing. He should have brought back up, finding himself overrun by them.

He had, however, found the literal hole to the centre of the planet. This hole let hundreds of the rock monsters clamber up the sides. All he had to do was reach it and use the Dark Energon to close it up. The god knew this and defended it as much as possible, hoping to kill him in the process. "Who is in power, slave?" His voice echoed across all of them, Megatron now finding this too much. He backed up against the cliffside and grasped his helm, screaming in agony. One had managed to slice into his abdomen too, further weakening the warlord.

He fell to one knee as Unicron stood closeby, smirking his crooked mouth. "You will die with the rest of your kind! And I shall rise!" four or five of them fell apart and then pulled together to make an even larger one the other side of the canyon they fought in. His hand went up as Megatron looked up at him, his eyes glowing a bright purple. Soon enough Unicron's hand was bathed in the same colour, ready to strike him with a terrorful strike of lightning.

As the bolt flew toward him, Megatron braced for his spark to collapse, but would never break eye contact with the devil of his kind.

There was a great boom as the shot hit the wall beside his helm. He refused to flinch at this but instead looked to Unicron who now stood without a helm. It stumbled and fell down to the ground and split into the four it had been in the first place. Between Megatron and Unicron stood Scales, her wings outstretched and her chest heaving. She had shot a blast from her mouth, hitting Unicron perfectly in the face.  Megatron stumbled to stand up as he used the cliff for balance. He too was breathing heavily and now the spark beat had stopped.

"Insolent beast! Do you forget which side you stand upon!?" The Unicron's yelled at her. "I stand for all Cybertronian kind!" She roared back. Her wings folded back in as one of them took a step forward. She growled at its proximity. "Then you are a fool! You will die with them!"

Megatron swung his gun forwards at the one that took a step forwards, shooting him in the chest. It collapsed into a pile of rocks and the tussle started again. The pounding had returned to Megatron but Scales occasionally used her tail to steady him. They both slashed and shot those around them, slowly making their way to the pit. Once they had made it, the rest of the dopplers had all fallen in a pile of rocks. But a dozen more were climbing the pit, close to the top. Scales ushered Megatron to the edge of the pit, where he quickly held his hand out.

The pounding was unbearable now. Laced with words and screams of discomfort. Megatron fell to the side, quickly caught by Scales. "Do it now, Megatron!" She said. Megatron beat back the pain and suddenly his hands and chest glowed a great purple. He looked down the hole at those scurrying upwards before the earth seemed to collapse inwards. The entrance began to collapse the land around it and Scales had to pick up the dazed warlord on her back. She leapt up onto the Mountainside and ran from the edge as it collapsed. Once the ground stopped quaking, she walked back to the edge and saw that the canyon had collapsed in on itself.

Megatron stood up off of Scales and gave her a thankful look. One he had not given for a long time. She nodded back, venting heavily like Megatron. Suddenly a loud explosive sound filled the land around them, reminding them that this was not over. Some of Unicron had still gotten out and Predaking was still to be found.

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