Chapter 27: A chance at hope

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~~~Third POV~~~
The road to recovery for Scales was thankfully short, as both Shockwave and Ratchet had worked together to get her on her feet. The rest of both teams were now fixed to an extent, bar the occasional dent or scratch.

This, however, was not the case for Starscream. The wings of a seeker are known to be incredibly fragile, and Unicron must have known that. He lay in a coma now, Ratchets small screen beside his berth displaying low yet steady vitals. "Within a couple of weeks, given the right treatment, he should recover." Ratchet had stated. But this treatment was only found on the nemesis, the word 'should' a strong factor in Ratchets analysis.

But most of team Primes worries were not with Starscream. More for the missing Predacon who was still not even visible on any scanner. Megatron had provided codes to bypass the Nemesis' field, showing its inhabitants and location. Even with this, showing no signs of Predaking. Scales' worry was not presented openly, but those that knew her well enough sensed her dread.

"Incoming from the Nemesis!" Ratchet had announced that morning, as only Optimus and Megatron were present with him. "A comm line. He might be attempting to track us."

Ratchet meant Unicron of course, as he was the most skeptical of their position. Whilst everyone else knew that both sides had the upper hand (the autobots and decepticons with the location of the Nemesis and Unicron with a hostage), Ratchet found the knowledge that somebody had risen Unicron again staggering. He feared that they were likely to allow him to arise again but by his own initiative. He was being given too many chances at living.

"Whilst that could be a risk, old friend," Optimus stated, having received a nod from his former enemy. "It is a risk we may have to take in order to find our lost friend."

The call was answered, Megatron and Optimus stood just behind Ratchet. The screen did not pick up any visual feed, but the voice it picked up was unmistakable. The gravelly and old voice filled the room around them, Megatron close to flinching by its volume.

"Followers of Primus! Your treachery will no longer be tolerated!" Unicrons rage was obvious, the Chaos-bringers anger shaking the very sparks of the three who listened on. "You would pester me with the cowardice of patience? Do you not know who I am?!"

For a second, Megatron almost openly laughed. A god of war and destruction with no care for patience? It reminded him of himself in the beginning of this war, unable to wait for the enemy to move first.

"Unicron, our movement against you would be foolish." Optimus started, his reason silencing the heathen. "You hold one of our companions with you. How can you assure his safety?" Unicorns laugh erupted like a volcano, causing the Prime to frown at his boisterous attitude. "What makes you think I care for the beast? My disciple Icarus works with him. Whether he lives or dies is not my choosing."

"Why not?" Megatron spoke up, tired of sitting back and listening to his past torturer. "I had thought you were a leader. One that gave the order to kill and not stand by and allow those weaker to act. A true leader would act first." Optimus looked somewhat shocked at his words, Megatron's coy smirk showing him that he had a plan.

"How dare you! I remind you of your past stupidity, which allowed you endless pain and torture! You think I do not control my slaves?" Megatron's smirk widened even more, as Unicron's answer was given.

"You couldn't stop me from escaping, could you?" Megatron finished. With that a feral growl was given, making Ratchet twitch slightly. "Your foolishness will catch up with you, slave. I look forward to killing you first." Despite this threat, Megatron's confidence continued to swim around him. "And as for your 'companion', I believe you will be meeting him soon enough."

The call fell silent, Unicrons presence disappearing. "You ought to have a good reason for that, Megatron. Your now on a Devils hit list." Ratchet spoke up. Megatron was so ensnared in his conversation, he forgot the others were there, Optimus too as he glared slightly at him.  "You could have just shortened Predakings life time." He added to Ratchets nagging. Optimus had grown accustomed to Predakings commanding atmosphere in the base, his further motive of a daughter caused Optimus to care greatly for the King. He would not allow anyone to simply take his life away so easily.

"If I hadn't threatened his power, he would have continued to threaten us to the point where he would track us down. Now he is likely to take the Predacon somewhere, summon us and then kill him himself to show us he is in control." Both Autobot's optics we're wide in seconds.

"And that's better how?!" Ratchet sounded appalled yet unsurprised. He knew Megatron would not change. It was in his blood to be cold and blatant. "Because," Megatron growled, attempting to remind the old mech who he was talking to. "At that point we will be able to rescue him, perhaps even kill both Icarus and Unicron."

They all suddenly turned to the sound of claws pattering across the metal floor and found Scales walking across the humans area to where they stood. She sat down and gave the three of them no notice but looked at the screen. Primus, she looked awful. Her scars were now light grey after hours of welding, her mangled wing pulled close to her body. Her golden optics were dim and she no longer looked like the young Predacon who had tripped and frightened Starscream at every opportunity.

"Go back." She said simply. Her vocals, Ratchet noticed, were much more refined. She had been practicing. Thank Primus. "Back over the recording of the call? One moment." Ratchet knew what she meant. Her refined ears had heard something out of shot, something helpful. He went to the end of the call, where Unicron had threatened them one last time.

Right before the call ended, Scales' audial fins flew upwards, twitching and spinning at different angles and speeds. "You got something?" She nodded as it ended and Ratchet went back once more. This time he jammed the data pad in front of him with steady servos.

They all stopped and listened to the sound that played next. It was a frightening and disturbing sound, prolonged by Ratchets handy work. It was the static sound of a roar, Predakings roar. But it was deep and riddled with sadness and despair. It echoed and ended with the call, causing Scales to whimper. "By the Primes." Optimus murmured.

"What did he say?" Megatron addressed Scales now, who did not turn from the screen. "Help." She replied, before she laid down with her head between her paws. Megatron silenced with that.

"Ratchet," Optimus' voice was suddenly mixed with hope, contrasting with the somber atmosphere. "Do you think you could find out where they are by the sound of their surroundings?"

"Your right, the Nemesis doesn't echo." Megatron added, also looking to Ratchet. "Perhaps, it might take me a while. Agent Fowler..." he started a call with the Agent and then turned to his work, cutting himself off from the others.

"This is likely to be our final stand against Unicron. But I must ask, what will happen after we succeed?" Optimus was turned to Megatron, who watched his movements closely, as Scales watched his. Megatron looked towards the humans sitting area and sighed almost silently. "We have to succeed first." Megatron reminded the Prime who simply nodded.

But Scales noticed his reluctance to answer. His optics held a sadness that she almost missed, but she saw it.

She'd have to talk some sense into him before they left to save her sire.

Ok, it's late and I can't sleep. So this might have some spelling mistakes or something like that. Don't blame me lmao.

Furthermore, thanks for 14K views! This support has been so helpful with my writing and I've enjoyed all your feedback thus far!

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