Chapter 24: The 'Spark to Spark' With The Enemy

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-Scales P.O.V-
"Mornin' love!" The blue Griffin called again, as he walked through the door. It had been a whole week. Listening to his little jokes and taunts.

What really ticked me off was the fact that they were not actual taunts. They were nothing but jokes. Trust me if I could get him back I would, but Icarus returned halfway through the week and ordered the gag around my intake be tighter. I suppose that was my fault, mainly because I kept making subtle noises when he spoke.

Worth it though.

After a while, I realized that I was here for one reason and one reason only. To be broken. Icarus wanted Predaking to give himself up when he saw the wear and tear against my body, but he wasn't doing too bad. Every day, Icarus would come in and make a lot of dents and scratches. It hurts of course but I suppose I should've expected it. But he couldn't kill me. No no, wheres the fun in that?

But there's got to be three things worse than Icarus at the moment :

1: The Seeker that would not get tortured, but moan about being starved.

2: The everlasting fear of Unicron, and his plan for Predaking and Earth.

3: Skylynx

The first problem seems pretty obvious. Now that Icarus had found me, he didn't really need to torture him. Unicron wouldn't waste his time with it either. So he just kind of... sat there until he was useful and could provide intel upon the Decepticons. But the torture was the whining. He would constantly, every click, whine about his energon levels. He even showed me once, saying that they were almost crucial. The truth was they were only half way. The usual ration for the poor Autobots left with scraps.
But he had a point, we were slowly being drained to an offline.

The next problem was Unicron, who had risen yet again thanks to the help of Icarus. But the constant nagging in the back of my processor caused me to attempt to analyze a way to trap Unicron once and for all. Maybe there was a way to trap him again? Or better yet a way to destroy him? All the thoughts created a helmache that seemed to cause my whole body to ache.

And then there was Skylynx.

He was ok, seeing as he was a Decepticon, but that's what I thought about Knockout, and he just turned out to be an egotistical prick with a sassy attitude and gorgeous hips.
Now that I had met the Autobots, I realized that Smokescreen and Knockout are literally the same as Skylynx. And I could hardly stand smokescreen. Knockout? Ehhhhhh...

His tapping on my forehelm caused me to jump back from the past.
"Helloooo? Anyone home?" I blinked twice and groaned, before rolling my optics at him.

As I rested my head on my paws, I heard him speak. "Awwww, Scales your no fun." He only came in to patch up deep wounds, and that was a lot as of late. He seemed to notice as he whistled at my back, covered in dents and scratches.

"What did she do this time?" He said with a sigh. Starscream lifted his head and chuckled.
"Tripped him up with her tail, she snapped the chain on it." Skylynx chuckled in response to the SIC.

"It's almost like you wanna get hurt at this point." That's when he rested his servo on my back, feeling me flinch against his cold and scarred metal.

That was another point, every day he came in, he would have a new noticeable scar somewhere. His servo had a weird, circular burn in it that was cold to the touch. When Starscream asked, Skylynx just said 'I ticked off the boss, something we got in common eh?'
Needless to say, Starscream was immediately offended by Skylynx for mentioning the relationship between Megatron and himself. I, however, was concerned. For both of them.

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