Chapter 5: First Flight

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-Scales P.O.V-

I woke again this morning to a shock and shook my neck.Well,I guess I'm not sleeping for much longer. I stood up and searched the room again for the source of the pain but nothing of importance was found, only the scratches on the walls. I decided to take a closer look at them and too my surprise they were much larger and wider than mine, Megatron must have kept Predaking here before me. Whoever that is.

Before I could take a look at the rest of the room, the kennel door slid open to show Knockout standing with his hand on the keypad. "Wakey,Wakey!" Ok if he says that every morning,I'm going to personally throw him off the nemesis. I began to walk towards him and this morning he took no steps backwards, he must not be scared of me anymore.I looked past him and looked towards the rest of the deck to see Megatron, Shockwave (With what looked like a saddle in his left servo),Mr Stilettos (If you can't guess Starscream) and a few of mechs that looked exactly the same.

"Good morning Scales."I looked at Shockwave as he spoke to me and nodded, then Knockout patted me on a shoulder and began towards Megatron.I followed him and sat a few meters behind where he stood.
"Is she ready for flight Knockout?"Megatron said with his eyes fixed on me.Actually come to think of it,Everyone was looking at me, excluding Knockout who was looking at Megatron as he replied,"Yes lord Megatron,Her wing is healed from the shock by Starscream yesterday."He sent Starscream a glance and Screamers laughed nervously.

"Good. Shockwave, put the saddle on the beast."Megatron said and finally turned away with his hands behind his back and began to speak with the other identical mechs. "Scales, lay down."Shockwave said calmly.I did as I was told and lay with my front paws in front of my nose.He began to strap the black saddle to my back with many straps around my waist.Then he placed a strap that wrapped around my neck and it was pulled tightly.I groaned slightly but Shockwave did not loosen it.Oh well. I'll live.When he was finished he stood and helped Knockout onto my back, and he was surprisingly light.Good,at least I will be able to fly quickly.

Then he handed Knockout a small earpiece,Then placed one in my ear and I shook my head at the hard grip.Shockwave patted my head to calm me then turned."My Lord, I have the predacon ready."Megatron turned and looked at Knockout aboard my back."You will fly as far as you wish and I will be alongside you."Knockout nodded and patted my side with his hand ash grabbed a reign that was strapped To my neck.I stood up and walked towards the edge of the ship.
"Drones,Starscream,you will also accompany me and the beast."Wow I guess they really don't want to lose me then,considering there was about 5 or 6 Drones.Oh well, the more the merrier.
"You are free to take flight when ready beast."Megatron said from behind me.Wait how are they supposed to follow me? Oh well I'm sure they already worked that out. I stood tall and began to sprint towards the Edge of the nemesis.

And I jumped with my wings spreading across.Knockout screamed and Ducked down gripping the reigns tighter.I heard the sound of jets behind me and I turned my head to see 5 identical jets, a smaller black and grey jet with red missiles like Screamers and a purple and grey Jet with a dark energon blaster on its top, like Megatron.I didn't know they could do that?

I know realised that Knockout was hugging my neck to stay on with his eyes closed.So I decided to angle my wings and dive downwards.We were going so fast it forced Knockout to sit up and grip the reigns.
--Come on!Lets see how fast you can go!-- I heardKnockout through my earpiece.If he wants fast, then He is going to get it.I angled my wings further down and we did a full vertical dive down.All I could hear was screaming wind until I opened my wings more and it sent us above the clouds again.
--Beast, I am going to chase you and you will do your best to hide from me.--  I heard Megatron say into my earpiece then he sped forwards towards me. This is going to be fun. I flapped my wings hard and it sent us further faster but he was still on my tail.

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