Chapter 25: The Waiting Game

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~~ No ones P.O.V~~

As the two prisoners hobbled quietly down the hallway towards the flight deck, the cell guard managed to send a discreet distress signal to the Autobots. Skylynx had been planning this ever since Icarus had burnt his plating on a welder for taking too long with the war-hardened femme. He glanced behind him to see that she was still following, with the petty seeker on her back.

She occasionally pulled out a wing to keep the almost unconscious Starscream on her back. But Skylinx didn't care much for the Seeker's pathetic grumbling, what worried him was that Scales had to drag one of her wings behind her because one of it's joints had fallen limp. Dents littered her frame as she kept low to the ground, peering ahead of her, behind her and giving the past prison guard wary glances in the occasion.

The Predacon's suddenly stopped in unison when they heard a mass amount of pede steps approaching them. But there was something wrong with them, almost as if they were heavier than any other being on this planet. Heavier than at least 8 Bulkheads. Well, maybe 6.

And then they were everywhere. The sounds of heavy steps came up every hallway, as they were surrounded by great beings of rock and sand and earth. Whilst some had sand drifting off of their yellow heads with gloomy purple optics, others were a magnificent grey with mossy plants and other vegetation just falling to the floor. It was wondrous that they could even stay in one piece, almost like they were... unfinished?

One of them stepped forward, one with jagged clifflike features, but with the exception of his head, which was decorated with a furry thread of pretty little blossoms and sticks hanging like a Christmas tree. If it not for the anger filled optics of hatred or jagged teeth, then Scales would have laughed by now. But seeing as he was about 10 feet taller than Predaking, she decided to keep quiet. However, she made a mental note to tell Miko. Because she would survive.

The cliff-like being stepped forward, now in front of them both. But The Predacons stood their ground, their tails thrashing behind them.

"I should have known that you bugs of flight would Pester me!" Its voice was deep, ancient and everywhere. They all spoke as one entity, their voices in complete unison. " And now that I have seen such treachery by my own Prison guard, you will suffer alongside the femme!"

Unicron was obviously addressing Skylynx, that stepped forwards in order to speak. He did his best fake bow, keeping his optics on the entity in front of him.
"My lord Unicron, I am simply taking the femme to the medica-"

"DO NOT TAKE ME FOR A FOOL CHILD! I have lived for countless millennia, and have witnessed the lies of many! I forced one of the great Primes to turn against his brethren! Your petty lies do not deter me!"

And all the while, Scales was counting. She was counting the number of amalgamations and how many shots would kill them all. But she had never fought any of them before, so she couldn't confirm any of them. There were 16 of them altogether, taking up most of the hallway. Flying was definitely not an option.

"Return to your cell immediately, or I will force you there in pieces!" But as the two Predacons stood in defiance, Unicron's rage increased. He growled anomalistically before raising their hands in unison ready to strike them all with a powerful surge of electrocution.

"So be it!"

But then the ship shook violently, throwing all of them in different directions. The Predacons shared a mischevious glance before they opened fire.

~ ~ ~

On the other side of the ship, it was almost like a dream. What was only visible in the hearts and minds of the Autobots was now seen by both factions of the war. The Autobots were fighting alongside the Decepticons.

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