Chapter 17: Lucky Once

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--Scales P.O.V--

My smaller tail wrapped around the three humans as Soundwave and Shockwave came through the ground bridge. St3v3 saluted to the two decepticons and sat down on a medical birth again. Shockwave had a long cut down his left arm and Soundwave had a smashed visor.

Their energon signatures showed up in a little island in the United Kingdom, where they had set up a small camp to regain strength. Optimus, Ultra Magnus and Bulkhead went there to relay the alliance message, to which they obviously agreed to. They both sat down on a birth as Ratchet got busy fixing them. I took my tail back and jumped up to a higher platform, so I was out of the way. The 3 humans started surrounding Steve, Miko asking questions about his name and Jack and Raf listening patiently. Better him than me.

--Time skip--

--2 Hours--

It was about 7pm now.The children and their guardians had head home and the two decepticon newcomers were both resting. "So, how did you meet Icarus?"

Smokescreen had been asking questions about almost everything there is to know about Predacons. I'm surprised he didn't ask were hatchlings came from. Obviously, it wasn't me answering, I was watching from the sidelines while dad answered patiently. Honestly, if it was me, I would have turned him into a camp fire by now.

"Do you ever stop asking questions?" Even the smartest of people loose patience. My tail was hanging over the edge of a platform, at eye level to Predaking in my smallest form.

"I'm a rookey, its what I do." He said with a smirk.

Before I could sigh for the 5th time, A low, quiet alarm went off on Ratchet's monitor. "A faint energon signature." Ratchet said, leaving the patients side."Its not moving, but it Could be decepticons. But unlikely as there is only two left, Knockout and Megatron. South Africa."

I hopped up from my laying position and jumped on the yellow rail, wiggling with excitement. I had recently flown through those warming desert skies. It was no Cybertron, but it was the best this planet had to offer. I realized that as time grew, I remembered more of my past. Pushing away my thoughts, I was eager to fly there again.

"Scales wants to go." Predaking practically read my body language. "I'll accompany her." He finished. "Alright. I'll send you a bit far back so you can take flight." Ratchet replied.

I made a gleeful mumble and jumped to the clearing in front of the groundbridge. It's technical sound was heard alongside transforming sounds. Two large predacons in a small building. I then ran through the groundbridge with Predaking following closely.

It opened up by a small pool in a grassy plain, with zebras wallowing, drinking and bathing. After seeing such colossal beasts exit a strange green portal, females and young fled, while a few males stayed behind, wide eyed, ears turned. I ignored them and jumped over them, beating my wings hard. Soon enough, we were both enveloped in thick clouds.

--Megatron P.O.V--

The black sky ahead was beginning to irritate me.

I had been flying for 2 days, yet nothing picked upon my sensors, not even an autobot. I couldn't descend below the clouds, as a human could spot me. The fool that awakened Unicron made a big mistake. Next time I would see him, I would rip his neck cables off. Another predacon was not what this war needed.

In fact, just as I had enough of predacons, one appeared below me.

It ascended through the clouds, about 100 metres in front of me. At first, I was going to shoot it, when I realized that it was Scales. An autobot. A traitor, but an autobot no less. She was alone, simply gliding through the night, but she seemed on edge. The edges of her wings were bent, something I saw her do when I first chased her. She began to descend, and I followed her, still hidden. I wanted to see how this strange meeting took place.

She landed on a grassy cliff, covered in trees, that dropped before reaching more useless grass land. I dropped silently in a small acre of trees to her left. She simply stood there, ears moving with every loud noise, like a distant animal noise.

She must have heard something, as she turned towards the trees to her right, growling, teeth bared. Suddenly, another predacon jumped from the trees and tackled Scales to the ground. It was the other clone, Predaking. They barreled over each other, growling, roaring and mumbling, before Predaking had Scales' neck in loose his jaws, threatening to clamp them shut.

Of course, I thought, a wrestle.

I could faintly hear a whimper from Scales, signalling her yield. Predakings jaw dropped and he let go of Scales. She beat the last of him off with her wings, before sitting down by the edge of the cliff while Predaking transformed.

"2-0 Scales. I win again!" Predaking said in an excited manner, which earned a few titters from Scales. "You cant say "taken by surprise" everytime. Your gonna need extra mentoring." Another titter.

"You were lucky once. Megatron didn't want you dead then.He could have killed you. That doesn't change anything now." Upon hearing my name, I took my chance.

"It certainly does not." I said, stepping from my spot, behind them.

"In fact, Tell me Beasts. How is it that after hiding my energon signature, you are still able to locate me?" I spat.

"We were searching for a small energon deposit, close enough to your own signature. How we crossed paths, I do not know." Predaking stated, stepping into a defensive pose next to Scales who was also in such a pose, while I stood with my arms behind my back.

"We know of this allegiance you have made with us. In fact, we have Shockwave, Soundwave and a vehicon in our base." I chuckled slightly.

"A desperate measure, nothing more.To which, I agree with." Which earned a hard glare from Scales and a low but quiet growl.

"Ratchet," Predaking said, with a hand to his ear piece. "We have located Megatron. Do we have permission to allow him into the base?"

There was a slight pause before Predaking dropped his hand and stood calmly, but Scales did not move. Predaking muttered a low titter in Predacon, to which earned a quiet roar and wide eyes to his direction, delivered by Scales who dropped her wings.

"Welcome to team Prime, Megatron."


Late, I know, but long.

Merry Christmas!

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