Chapter 12: And a torn saddle lay beneath her desk

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--Ratchet P.O.V--
"She's what?" I said in disbelief.
It was 11 in the morning and Predaking had wanted to tell us all something 'important'.
"You heard correctly, she is my daughter." Predaking said calmly as if he had just read it out loud off of some human newspaper. "And you didn't think to tell us yesterday?" I scowled.

"I wasn't sure if I was right yesterday. She looks no different older as she was younger." He said, adding a tint of sadness. I regretted my scowl. "She only doesn't remember because she is a remake like myself." Optimus walked over to the large group, including the humans.

"Predaking, we will do anything we can to get you your daughter, and her memories, back. The only problem is getting her off of the nemesis." I then heard a small, faint and short bleep on the system behind me. There was an airborne rider and saddle in Northern Ireland. I turned to the rest of the bots. "That won't be so hard."

--Knockout P.O.V--
I woke up at 11am to a strange silence. Usually you would here the soft breathing of Scales, but instead it was silent. At first, I was repellant to stir in my single bed, Until I heard the sound of something being completely erased from the monitor in the med bay. I sat up and rubbed my optics. I stood up and walked towards the door which slid open as I stood in front of it. When I walked into the med bay, I was shocked when I saw that Scales was not on the desk that she usually slept on. But that didn't worry me too much, as she usually took a trip to Shockwaves office.

I stood in front of the monitor and checked over all the case files. All of them were absolutely fine, apart from Scales', which was supposedly missing. Oh no...
She must have read the documentary on the hometree, and the extinction of all the autobot friendly Predacons. Which her father was.
And a torn saddle lay beneath her desk.

---Time skip-20 minutes---
--Scales P.O.V--
The wind blew against my wings as I pulled on them to land. They were sore, as expected, since I had been flying for 6 hours. The terrain had changed from a rocky area, to a green and highly human populated area. That meant I was far from the ship at least. I didn't know how I would contact the Autobots, but I knew it wouldnt be too hard. Before I left the nemesis, I went into Shockwaves lab and borrowed the same metal used to make the saddle, which hopefully would draw some attention to the autobots.

I shook out my wings until satisfied, and watched the village below me. I was sat on a cliff side, in my smallest form, so I could not be seen from the already busy village. Knockout had told me that I had to stay hidden from the humans as they were afraid and weaker than us but from a cliff edge, they seemed friendly and pretty intelligent. Many vehicles drove up the flattened ground and the humans spoke to each other in a strange and funny accent. My optics scanned to a garden with bright green grass and in amongst it, were to children, one male and one female. They seemed to be laughing and chasing each other with aqua guns, squirting the aqua at each other. I laughed softly and transformed into my larger form away from the cliff edge. I opened my now rested wings and pushed on them hardly, making me push up, above the clouds.

Flying without a rider truly is amazing, especially after shredding the saddle to pieces, but the pure air against my warm and stiff form was an incredible feeling. It was as if someone had given me a clear sky with no fatigue and told me to fly. That was the biggest dream of any Predacon. But in most dreams, you had to wake up.

A sudden shadow caved over my heated form and I looked up to see Starscream leading his armada of at least 20 decepticons. But that was the least of my worries. Ahead was the ocean, which spread for miles and no land was seen on the other side. If you were a sailer, you'd know that sea breeze is incredibly strong on large sails, let alone ocean. I quickly headed towards the ocean, knowing that my wings were flexible and the decepticons' wings weren't.

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