Chapter16: Well, we tried.

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--Scales P.O.V--
I walked to the injured vehicon, while he clutched his stomach. I had met this vehicon before, he had terrible burn injury with bent metal everywhere, but I didn't ask what happened. He looked up for a second and looked me in the eyes, then grappled my neck and hauled himself up. For a fully grown Cybertronian, he was light. Lighter than KO anyway.

I started walking slowly towards Optimus, who comm linked Ratchet and told him to get the Groundbridge running and to prepare sick bay. I hummed slightly when St3v3 almost slipped off of my back. I swung my tail around and gave him a light push up.

The requested Groundbridge popped up and the rest of the team walked through, with Bumblebee behind me. A slow trudge into base revealed Ratchet with his tools out and Bulkhead on the far side of base. This had become a rule when Bulkhead had smashed 20 tools.

I walked to the ready made birth and kneeled beside it. Ratchet gave Steve a wary glance before helping him off of my back and onto the birth. When he was off, I transformed into my smaller form and stood with the humans. Jack looked slightly afraid, and ready to run at any moment, Raf looked slightly confused, and Miko looked like she was holding in a barrel of laughter.

When Steve was settled on the Birth, Rafael spoke up. "So, who is Icarus?" Predaking looked at him with a frown. "He was a great warrior in our ranks on Cybertron, like a Brother to me. Then the war started. He made himself Decepticon and swore to kill Any Autobot he came across. Only when he found me, he was not as lucky. I killed him and set his remains in a burial, as he was a close friend."

Now it was my turn to speak up. "I only met him once. But it was for a human month, so I learnt much about him. He was the one that taught me to fly." After I spoke Predaking translated for me.

"It would deem to reason that he has returned for revenge of his death." Optimus finished.
"Wait, why didn't he become a terrorcon when Unicron revived them before?" Arcee asked.
"Because I gave him burial grounds. Meaning he did not have any other link to Cybertron. He must have awakened when Optimus entered the core." Predacon finished.

"Steve," Optimus said, which earned a giggle from Miko. "Did Megatron meet Icarus, or Unicron for that matter?" Steve looked down slightly, as Ratchet continued to tend to his back.

"He only met Icarus. Of which he beat in combat, but that's when he was charged by rock soldiers. That's when we were forced to flee. The last thing Megatron said on the comm link was this," he clicked a button on the side of his head and it played a voice recording of Megatron.

Surviving Decepticons!
If you escape the Nemesis, leave contact to a minimum, and find the Autobots.
I believe it is our last hope in survival.

It finished with a click and he looked at Optimus. "So, can I stay?"

--Time skip 30 minutes--
--Rafael P.O.V--
After the talk with Steve, the Autobots decided to find the rest of the Decepticons and do there best to find the spark extracter, and let Predaking and Scales find and talk some sense into Icarus. Everyone had gone to rest, and Scales was with me, while Miko and Jack watched me.

"Okay, this is gonna sting a bit," I said lowly, while turning another bolt on her neck. She hummed then whined slighty. I was trying to get a voice box, from another fallen Vehicon, into her neck as Ratchet was awake and working on fixing Steve.

"Alright," I said, turning one more bolt. "Try to speak."
She frowned and lifted her neck, opening her jaw. "Does... Work?" She sounded doubtful, with a low pitched female voice. After she spoke she growled.

"Rafael, because it is not her voice box, it won't fit her cartridge. Only small words will be made, and it is extremely painful." Ratchets remarked. I sighed and nodded. "I'll work on getting it out."

I started on the bolts again and Scales whined. "Don't worry Scales!" Miko said enthusiastically. "We'll get one that fits!" Then Jack spoke. "Yeah, there has to be one Vehicon with the same Voicebox as you!"

She shut her eyes and sighed a long, deep, sigh.

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