Chapter 14: Unicron has returned

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-- Scales P.O.V--
I had been at the autobot base for about a month, and I have met every bot. Arcee, Bulkhead, Bumblebee, Smokescreen, Wheeljack and Optimus found it easy to trust my story. But Ultra Magnus didn't trust me very well and Ratchet didn't really care.

I am not allowed to leave base without a rider, or Predaking by my side which I didn't mind. I had met the 5 humans, the three children (Miko, Jack and Raf) and the two adults (June Darby and Fowler). Miko was very clingy and always asked to ride me. Since I had no cybertronian form, I was forced to stay in my smaller form until outside. The rule was made when I accidentally knocked over one of Ratchets tools with my tail.

It was almost sunset when Smokescreen came to me, as I lay by the humans sofa. "Hey Scales, you want to go for a flight?" I stood up and shook my sleepy form, with a big smile on my muzzle. Smokescreen usually rode me as he had no human to look after.

"Alright, I'm sending you both to South Washington." The ground bridge opened and I flew through with Smokescreen on my larger forms back. We were above an unpopular village with the sun setting in front of us. --Alright, we need to check an energon reading Ratchet just sent-- Smokescreen said through the comm link. I roared and flew higher so the village below us couldn't see us.

We were flying above a large forest, with occasional swamps before we reached a cliff edge. That was where the energon reading came from. I landed abruptly, making Smokey fly forwards and land on his face. I laughed mockingly before he got up and spoke with a smile. "Ha ha ha. Just scan already." I started scanning, but stopped when I heard the wind above me become teared by familiar wings

When I turned around I was suddenly flattened to the ground and I played along to the wrestle. I attempted gripping his neck with my jaw, but he got there first and growled threateningly. "I win!" He growled at me playfully. I whimpered lowly so that Smokey couldn't hear my defeat. Predaking let go of my neck before transforming. "No fair! You caught me by surprise! What are you doing here anyway?" I asked and was repeated by Smokescreen. "I'm here because I need to help carry some of the energon back."

I continued to scan until I met eyes with a moving energon signature. I turned off my scan and looked closely when my ears pricked up and I heard more moving behind me, which Predaking and Smokescreen both heard as well. All was silent until a shot was made towards Smokescreen. I jumped forward and opened out my wings protectively which deflected the blue shot.

Breakdown walked out of the forest and looked at us all with a smirk. Then we were surrounded by vehicons, who all had guns at us. Smokescreen hopped on my back and gripped my neck, whispering in my ear, "Whenever your ready." Breakdown took a few steps forward threateningly and laughed lowly. "So the pet lives. How extricating." Now Predaking had transformed and was looking at Breakdown alongside me and was growling. Frankly, I didn't know that Breakdown used big words."You have 17 guns on your back, do not attempt to fly or we will shoot you down." Breakdown added with a wider smirk. Smokescreen smiled back and chuckled.

"Who said we were flying up?"

I then swung my tail around me, with a small dagger out of the end, making Breakdown retreat backwards. Predaking flew further into the forest while I jumped over some of the cons shooting and jumped off the cliff edge while opening my wings. --Ratchet, we're gonna need a ground bridge, it was a con trick-- I heard a sigh on the other side of the comm link as a ground bridge was opened on the ground below a tree. Then shots opened around me and I was forced to land. By this time it was almost pitch black.

When I landed, Smokescreen jumped off and walked through while I transformed into my smaller form and walked through. When I got to the other side, I saw that Predaking and the rest of the bots were all there. But they were all looking at the screen by Ratchet. I jumped up to Bumblebee's shoulder and looked at the screen. It displayed the nemesis. "I thought the nemesis had cloaking device." Smokescreen said, having just arrived.

"We also thought this, until seconds ago, it came clear as Ratchet was overdoing your transportation." Optimus said. Then, 5 energon signatures began to fly off of the nemesis and came tunnelling towards the ground. "What's that?" Bumblebee beeped. Ratchet tapped on the keypad and gasped at the sight. "It's Megatron, Soundwave, Knockout, a vehicon St3v3 and Starscream. And they are all injured. With Knockout riding Starscream." Optimus frowned.

"There is only one clear explanation. If Megatron and the others are fleeing, than it is from something he cannot destroy." I gasped at where this was leading to. It can't be, can it?

"Unicron has returned in physical being."

Sorry it's late, there will be more of an explanation on Unicron next chapter. Also...

Yay!!! I'm third down!!! Thanks you guys!---Moustachemaybe---

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Yay!!! I'm third down!!! Thanks you guys!

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