Chapter 4: Starscreams greetings

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---Scales P.O.V---

As Knockout left the flight deck and the door slid shut, Starscream took an energon rod from behind his back and put it by his side. He looked at me and raised an optic ridge.

"Scales, Is it?"He said in an almost mocking tone. I looked at him and stood up and lowered my neck to his level. He took a step back. "Well it seems you are not as menacing as the other beast. So maybe you will not be as treacherous." What is this talk of another Predacon? Is there another of my kind? If so why have I not met it yet?"

He raised the rod and put the edge of the rod on my wing. A wave of pain spread through my body and I took a step back. I growled lowly and looked at my wing in the search of an injury and there was a small scar.I looked back at Starscream and he was smiling with his arms crossed and tapping his foot like stilettos.

"Not so tough now are you?" My tail twitched in anger and My optics narrowed and I took a threatening step forward but Starscream didn't even flinch. "Oh please, I was told by Lord Megatron that you have no strength."He began to walk around me,"In fact the only thing you are good for is your energon tracking." That's it!

I flicked my tail under his feet and he tripped, then I took the rod and held it in my jaw. He looked at me and frowned
"Give me that back you stupid beast!" He squeaked. I roared happily and bent down like what a dog would do to ask if he could play. Starscream stood and growled before trying to grab the rod from my jaw. I jumped to the side and dodged his grab before he fell forward. Well this is more fun than shooting at a target.He then stood and tried to claw at me but I rolled to the side and lay down,still with the rod in my jaw. I roared happily again before he stood straight.

"Stop it you flying pest!"He yelled as he jumped at me. I stood and jumped towards the opposite wall and bounced off it and sat again. Starscream ran straight into the wall and groaned. I dropped the rod and roared happily.

"I would have thought you would be faster than that Starscream." A deep voice stated, I looked at the door to see Megatron smiling with Knockout.Starscream stood and touched his helm. "B-But Lord Megatron, she will not do listen to my orders!" Knockout smiled "Last I heard on Soundwaves cameras, you didn't really give her any."Soundwave?I looked back at Starscream and his mouth was as wide as a cave opening. I hummed happily.He walked towards me and took the rod from in front of me, gave me one warning glance and left.

"Come here Scales." Knockout said smiling. I stood and walked towards the three of them and sat in front of them.
"Incredible.Shockwave told me that her strength will not return for another 7 earth months."Megatron said while looking me in the eyes."Yes my lord but she must be more intelligent than I had first thought." Knockout stated Megatron then reached out to stroke my forehead. I lowered my head in acceptance as his sharp digets reached my head.
"It would seem that she knows her place.Knockout, tomorrow you will accompany her as she flies." I moved backwards as he removed his hand and hummed happily.

"I'm sorry my liege, but I don't have an airborne alternate form." Knockout said almost disappointedly.Megatron then smiled."In that case you will ride her."Megatron said. Wait...WHAT?! How can I fly with someone on my back?Knockouts optics widened at the same time as mine did."But my liege,how can I stay on without falling to my death?!"Megatron looked at Knockout and lost his smile before putting a didget to the side of his head.
"Shockwave," He paused ---Yes my lord?--- It sounded like Shockwave. "Create what the humans call a saddle for the beast. And make sure it will be large enough for Knockout." Megatron lowered his hand and smiled."Knockout, you are not to be known as the beasts supervisor, but the beasts rider."He then turned and smiled at me creepily before leaving through the door.

Knockout then turned to look at me and smiled."Well I guess I'm stuck with you for a while then."I roared happily.
"Well come on then,it's starting to get late anyway,"I looked towards the sky and he was right,the sky was beginning to look darker."Anyway,I'm sure your still tired from annoying Starscream."He laughed and began to walk towards the kennel door and he unlocked it.

I walked in and curled up in a ball in the corner of the room and looked back towards Knockout.He turned and smiled before saying "Have a nice sleep scales.I hope to see you tomorrow."I hummed in agreement before the door shut and I lowered my head and my optics slowly shut.

---Knockouts P.O.V---

I shut the door to the kennel and heard the beast lower its head and rest.I then got a com link from Shockwave.
--Knockout,return to my lab for measurements for the Predacons saddle.--Before I could answer the com link was shut. I don't think it's a good idea to have the beast fly freely,even with me riding it.Oh well I don't even have a say in it anyway.

When I entered the lab I saw a large grey saddle being perched on a birth and Shockwave next to it."Good you have arrived"Shockwave said as he looked at me.All I did was nod and he got the message that I was tired. When I payed down on a birth next to the saddle,he began to scan me.When the scanning was complete I stood and looked at the saddle again, Apparently humans use these things to ride horses."Alright that is all I need from you. Thanks." Shockwave said obviously tired as well. As I got outside the door, I turned again and asked "Why is it that we will not tell the beast of the autobots?"Shockwave lifted his helm without turning and simply said before he shut the door.

"Because this 'beast' Is Precious."

Sorry for the super slow update! I've been very busy and lazy...
Hope to see you all in the next chapter!

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