Chapter 11: Memories?

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~~Scales P.O.V~~
It had been two weeks and since the confination by Megatron,Knockout had been examining my features, like the wings, my neck, my talons and more to find out how I change size. Since then, Knockout found that a small blade could contract out of the back of my sharp tail, as I have no proper weapon (apart from my talons and teeth). I occasionally helped in the med bay, like pulling bits of metal out of some vehicons, and constantly bending Starscreams wings back into place after he failed to do what Megatron told.

It was a Saturday morning and i woke in my smallest form on the birth I fell asleep on and found that everyone else was asleep. So I stood up and shook my wings until they clicked and yawned. There is something they are not telling me. I thought. So I hopped from the birth to the screen that Knockout always uses. Before I used it, I used my scan to check if anyone was near, but apart from the sleeping brothers (k.o and Breakie) no one was near. So I typed onto the keypad PREDAKING and found that I was not the only one. The same bot as I saw on my first flight was shown on the screen. I mumbled quietly in shock then looked deeper. I then read that he was a clone like herself, to be the AUTOBOT Hunter.

I looked further then saw the unspeakable. A whole notation on how Megatron led an army to destroy the hometree.
The home tree!

She nuzzled closer to her carriers arms. "Come now, shhhhhh."She heard. She looked up and saw a large cybertronian tree fall sideways, away from them and revealed a grey and purple bot from kaon, judging by his colour, Megatron, the dreaded destroyer.She was suddenly placed inside of the final shuttles and before she began to cry, she saw her carrier and sire. "It's alright." Her carrier said. " Daddy will look after you... Need to... Wounded." The memory was fading. Then she saw her sire. The rest was crystal clear as if he was in the Same room, but she was blinded, she couldn't see who her sire was.

"It's okay. Your sires here. Shhhhhh. Listen, even if you don't understand me now, you will soon.My name is PREDAKING, if I survive, you will find me again and I will know it is you." It then Faded completely but she heard a faint whisper.

"I promise"

~~Third P.O.V~~
Her eyes then snapped open to the sound of heavy footsteps. Megatron. She erased all the data and quickly jumped back to the birth and curled into a ball. He came in and walked directly past her, giving her a small glance,, he then walked into the storage room, took out a buffer, then turned to leave. But before he left, he gave her the smallest stroke down the back strut and she shivered. Once he left she sat up and and stared at the door. They lied.

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