Little Notes To Each Other

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It started off way back when they'd only been living together for two months or so. Demi and Justin were completely inseparable. So naturally, when one went out without the other, it was a slight issue for both. They missed each other like crazy, not that they'd admit it. Even little things, like when Demi went out to a club when Justin was going to stay home and sleep anyways, or when Justin went out to get ice cream while Demi stayed in bed to nurse a hangover. Each time, they felt kind of lonely, kind of...codependent.
And they were, in a sense, codependent.

Okay, let's be real, they were insanely dependent on each other, constantly wanting more time together, never getting sick of being there, tucked into each other's sides, whispering jokes and promises and ridiculous things that just screamed I seriously cannot live without you. And they couldn't. So when Demi was awoken one morning by a phone call from Scooter, begging her to come over and help set up his new television set because "I can't do this by myself, I'm a weakling and Chris is an ass, Sean's off getting food and let's face it, Justin will break the thing before it's out of the box!" She felt bad leaving her best friend alone for the day. He was still asleep when Demi poked her head in the door, snoring lightly, the sunlight hitting his face in a kind of adorable way. And she couldn't just leave him there. She couldn't wake him either. She couldn't text him, because Justin was always losing his phone around the house, so he'd never get the message. Demi knew that technically, she had no obligation to let Justin know where she was going. Technically, she should have just left him there and gone out without caring. But she didn't. She couldn't. She rummaged through the kitchen drawers until she managed to find a piece of paper, and then had to spend a good five minutes finding a working pen. After scribbling in circles until the ink began to work properly, she wrote out a message, smiled, and taped it to the wall outside their bedrooms.

Hey Justin,
I went out to help Scooter with his stupid new TV, so feel free to stop by if you want, I don't know how long I'll be there. Love you.
- Dems xx

They never spoke about the note, but when Demi did indeed stop by Scooter's later on, there was a knowing smile on her face, and for whatever reason, she looked at Justin in an adoring way. Justin liked that.

The next time a note was left, it was Justin, a week later. He was going out to get some groceries with Paul as a bodyguard slash human wall against fans, and Demi was in the shower. Justin damn well knew he could leave Demi a text, because the girl never lost her phone, and was checking it non-stop. But Justin loved the note Demi had left him. It had been oddly domestic and sweet Demi was just his best friend. Any more feelings and things would get messy. Yet he still took the note that he had put in his drawer, flipped it over and wrote a message of his own.

I'm off to get some groceries with Paul, anything you'd like? Text me if you think of anything. I should only be gone an hour, unless we get mobbed by girls. Love youuuuuu!
- Justin xx
PS: I should be excited about girls mobbing me, but I'm fucking scared.

And okay, he left out the part where he was only scared because Demi wouldn't be there, and maybe he wasn't even interested in those girls at all. But those were thoughts that would stay in his head, and not get out, because his world would collapse if they did. But halfway through his shopping trip, he got a text from Demi that wiped those thoughts from his mind and put a large grin on his face.

Demi: Get me some cookies, yeah? Oh, or get some ingredients and make me them instead? 'Cause you loooove meeee! xx

So Justin did just that, grabbing everything he needed, and proceeding to go home, blare some music and dance while he made chocolate chip cookies, grinning when Demi slipped her arms around his waist.

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