Illness (Part 5)

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Demi's POV

Myself and Justin held each other for over and hour without uttering a single word until he eventually pulled away from me.

"You scared me." he whispered as he wiped a tear that I hadn't realized was sliding down my cheek.

"I'm sorry," I whispered in reply and he shook his head softly.

"Don't be sorry," he muttered and pressed his lips to mine. "I love you so much Demi," he added and you felt butterflies filling your stomach.

"I love you too Justin," I replied as he pulled I back into his arms.

I could have spent the rest of my life in that exact position, I never ever wanted to be apart from him again and I knew he felt the same way about me, and I probably would have stayed in each others arms all day if my family hadn't arrived at the hospital. My mother sobbed as she held onto me tightly and my sister swore she would kill me if I ever scared her like that again. The rest of the boys came to see me and I could tell from what they were saying that Justin had been a complete mess. And that was what made everything a hundred times harder. Just before Justin had arrived at my room, a doctor had been in speaking to me. He said to me that although I made it through the surgery, there was no guarantee that it worked. He explained, in great detail, the ins and outs of what had happened to me. He said that they would have to take me for a scan of my head to make sure they had managed to stop the bleeding in my brain. If they had, I was in the clear and I could live a normal life. If they hadn't, I would need more surgery and there was an even smaller chance of survival if that was the case.

I looked around at my friends and family and I could see how happy they all were. I really didn't want to tell them but when I looked over at Justin, I knew he had to know. I waited patiently for everyone to leave so it was just me and Justin again and I took a deep breath before I began speaking.

"Justin, there's something you have to know," I muttered and he pressed his lips to my hand.

"What's wrong love?" he asked quietly.

I slowly explained what the doctor had told me earlier and I could see his body language change slightly. He slouched a little bit and the light in his eyes I had seen earlier had disappeared but he still put on a brave front.

"I know that the scan is going to be clear, I can feel it," he smiled and I sighed.

"But it might not be Jay, there's no point in being in denial about it," I mumbled and you heard him swallow hard.

"Well if it's not then we'll work through it," he gave me a small smile.

I could tell that he was a mess when I was ill. I would have known even if the boys hadn't told me because the bags under his eyes were evidence enough on their own. I didn't want to put him through it again and even though I could feel my heart breaking even thinking about what I wanted to say to him, I knew I couldn't be selfish and that I had to do it.

"Jay, if the scan shows that there is still bleeding in my brain...maybe it would be a good idea for you to continue the tour," I said softly and he raised an eyebrow at me.

"You're not serious are you? How would you expect me to be able to perform in front of thousands of people every night when I would be worried sick about you? I'm not just going to abandon my girlfriend when she needs me most."

"That's the thing... if the scan isn't clear...I wouldn't be your girlfriend anymore," I replied and he furrowed his eyebrows together in confusion.

"You would want me to break up with you? I would never ever do that-"

"I know, but that's what I would want you to do, I don't want you to have to hang around when there would be a good chance that I wouldn't even make it! It's unfair on you Justin," I replied, impressing myself with how strong I was being.

"You don't get to decide what is unfair on me, that is my decision. I'm staying by your side through everything, no matter what. That's the end of this discussion, okay?" he said sternly and I shook my head causing him to sigh in frustration. "Why are you asking me to do this, Demi? Do you not want me to stay?" he asked angrily and I shook my head and a few tears slid down my cheeks.

"Justin, are you crazy? Of course I want you to stay, but I don't want to be selfish anymore and that's why I'm asking you to do this."

"Well it's a good thing that you don't get to tell me what to do, Demi because I'm not going anywhere."

My door opened as he finished speaking and a nurse came in to take me away for my scans. I wiped my face quickly and smiled at her.

"Could you just wait outside for a second? I'll be right there," I asked politely and she nodded. "You're right Justin, but if this scan result is bad...then I'm breaking up with you," I said and walked out the door before he could say anything else.

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