Illness (Part 6)

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Justin's POV

"If the scan result is bad... then I'm breaking up with you." Demi's words played over and over in my mind.

She was going to break up with me? Like hell she was.

If the scan result was bad, she was going to need me more than ever and I didn't care how much she tried to push me away, I wasn't going to go anywhere. She wasn't going to get rid of me that easily. And what type of boyfriend would I be if I ran away the second things got hard? She should know that it's not that simple. I hadn't realized but tears had begun to spill down my cheeks; the only reason I noticed was because Demi's mother burst into the room and immediately started asking what was wrong. I repeatedly told her it didn't matter so I eventually gave in and explained the whole situation and she looked absolutely horrified.

"I need some air," I eventually said after she'd finished interrogating me and I slipped out the room and began to wander towards the exit.

Demi's POV

I finished the scan and my doctor told me he would come to see me in my room within the hour to give me the results so the nurse took me back along.

I was slightly hurt to see that Justin had left but I was happy to find my mother sitting waiting for me. She fussed with the pillows on my bed and made small talk with the nurse. The nurse asked if I needed anything else and when I said no, she left the room. The door had just closed behind her and the expression on my mother's face completely changed into one of sheer rage mixed with a hint of disappoint.

"Whoa, what's gotten into you?" I asked as I shifted in my bed.

"What's gotten into me? What's gotten into you?" she almost yelled at me.

"What are you talking about?"

"I spoke to Justin," she replied sternly and I dropped my gaze immediately. "Are you insane, Demi? That boy has done nothing but care about you throughout your entire relationship. He's head over heels in love with you, just like I know you are with him and he would do absolutely anything for you so why are you trying to ruin one of the best things that has ever happened to you?" she asked in an almost frantic tone and I shrugged my shoulders.

"I just don't want to hurt him anymore," I replied and she scoffed.

"Well that worked out great, didn't it? he left here in an absolute mess. If you want my advice Demi, stop pushing away the people that care about you the most because trust me, you aren't doing him a favour and you're definitely not doing yourself any favours either."

Justin's POV

I paced around the perimeter of the hospital for over an hour, trying to clear my head and figure out what to do. It wasn't even my decision anymore; it was Demi's if she was going to break up with me, what could I really do to stop her? The thought spun around my mind before it I eventually realized what I needed to do. I needed to fight for her. I wasn't going to give in. I was going to go up to her room right now and demand that she listen to me and that she stopped pushing me away because as much as I knew she'd hate to admit it, she needed me. And I wasn't too proud to tell her that I needed her. I speedwalked back up to her room and I stopped outside for a few seconds before walking in.

"Justin, I was just about to call you," she said, clearly surprised that I was there.

"It's my turn to speak Demi," I replied sternly and she looked at me, slightly shocked but then she nodded. "First of all, what you said to me earlier was completely unfair...and selfish," I began and her eyes widened.

"Selfish? How is it selfish? Justin, it's probably the most selfless thing I've ever said, I don't want you to have to stick around a girlfriend who is a ticking time-bomb, a girlfriend who may end up having to rely on you for everything."

I rolled my eyes. "Yes Demi, it's selfish because no matter how much you think you may need me; I need you more," I replied quickly and she shut up immediately. "And I don't care what you say or what you want me to do anymore because I am not going anywhere," my voice shook as I spoke, "I am being selfish. I'm not only staying because I love you and I want to be with you forever, I'm staying because I need to be with you forever."

Her eyes were watering as I finished speaking and she opened her mouth to speak but before she could, the doctor appeared at the door.

"Hello Miss Lovato, I have the results of your scan here," he said as he pushed the door open. He looked up at Demi's face and then at mine and immediately tensed up. "Is this a bad time?" he asked and we both shook our heads. "Well I'll be quick then. I'm happy to tell you that your scan was clear. The surgery was a complete success and we will be discharging you tomorrow afternoon," he smiled up at her. "I'll let you two have some privacy now," he added before leaving the room. Demi straight away started sobbing and I wrapped my arms around her tightly.

"Justin, I'm so sorry about everything I said-"

"Demi, don''s fine."

* * *

Demi's POV

Louis came to pick you up from the hospital the next day and you felt happier than ever. You were still recovering from major surgery, obviously, but you could see the finish line now and you were almost there. You had the most amazing, supportive boyfriend and the best family and friends you could ask for. You really thought you couldn't have been any happier but you were proved wrong when you arrived back at the hotel to find your room filled with thousands of flowers. You looked around at Louis for an answer to find him now down on one knee in front of you.

"I told you I wanted to be with you forever Y/N..."

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