You Never Lost Me

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Demi sat on the cold, iron bench watching the rain pour down in the distance. The time on her ticket read 11:35 A.M, but a brief glance at her phone let her know that it was now 12:49 and the train she was waiting for was now over an hour late. As she tried to protect her exposed legs with the dainty coat she so clumsily grabbed in a hurry last night, the screen on her phone flashed. The silly picture of Justin that shebhad set as his contact ID make her sigh in disgust and she quickly ended the call. A call isn't going to fix this she thought as she worriedly looked over her watch once again. The train station was nearly empty, with six or seven people waiting along the walls and only the pitter-patter of shoes on the wet pavement to be heard.

"Is this seat taken?" An all too familiar voice said before it's owner sat down next to her. Demi turned to Ariana, who was smiling proudly. "Thought I might find you here."

"Do you need anything?" Demi said, ignoring the cold wind that shook her body. Ariana toyed with her phone for a second before pushing it back into the pocket of her coat.

"Justin called this morning in tears. He said he didn't remember much but him shouting at you and then you walking out the door."

Demi chuckled sourly, and toyed with her hair. Ariana looked at her, but she avoided her eyes.

"What happened, Demi?"

The night played back in her mind as she began to explain what happened.

"Justin, I don't think you should drink so much." Demi said as he ordered his fourth pint within the hour.

"I can handle it." He said with a sluggish, drunk grin. Leaning in, Justin tried to kiss her but the smell of alcohol made her feel sick. Repulsed, Demi pushed him away, earning a sigh of annoyance from him. "Don't you start." He shouted into her ear over the drowning music.

Wanting to avoid a fight, Demi shut her mouth and stared at her phone in attempts to desperately avoid Justin and his drunken shenanigans. Demi had enough the moment he began screaming to his friends across the room, making heads turn and drawing attention. Not bothering to dismiss herself, she left the club. Instantly bombarded with the flashes and screams of the paparazzi, Demi tried her best to smile. She wanted nothing more than to avoid bad tabloid headlines, so she kept quiet as she jumped into the car and drove home.

Justin can take a taxi home, Demi thought as she stepped into his apartment. The door flew open as she removed her shoes, making herself jump.

"Must you always make your dramatic exits, Demi?" Justin slurred, slamming the door behind him. He didn't stop mumbling insults at Demi even as he shook off his jacket.

"You're drunk, Justin. Go and sleep." Demi told him calmly. Even though she was talking to him, it sounded as if she was trying to calm herself from getting into an argument. It was only when he wouldn't stop his insensitive swearing that Demi lost it. "For God's sake, Justin! Shut up and go to bed!"

Justin was taken back by the anger in her voice, but this only seemed to fuel his drunken rage. "All you do is bitch and moan at everything I do, Demi! I'm sick and tired of it. Why don't you shut up and get out of my life?"

"I know he was drunk and he didn't mean it, but I couldn't just stay there." Demi said sadly, looking over to Ariana who was sharing her same disapproving frown. "I think he broke up with me."

Ariana shook her head no. "He wouldn't have called me crying if he had." She paused for a second. "Why are you at the train station? Were you going somewhere?"

Demi nodded. "When I'm upset-"

"She likes to take a train through the countryside." Justin's sudden interruption made you jump. "It helps clear her mind." looked over to his friend.

"Thank you for calling me." Demi turned over to Ariana, who gave her a sly smile before walking away.

"Can I sit?" Justin asked. Demi scooted over, crossing her arms to protect herself from the cold. Justin threw his jacket over her shoulders, but despite the warming gesture, Demi refused to talk to him.

"Demi, can you please look at me?" She shook her head, earning a chuckle. "Babe, don't be stubborn."

"What do you want?" Finally turning to him, Demi took in his appearance. Blood-shot eyes stared into hers and she began to wonder if he had truly been crying as Ariana had said. His hair was a mess, strands sticking out in every direction. The same outfit he had worn last night still clothed his body, only now covered with a few wrinkles here and there. He looked a mess, but I suppose I looked just as worse if not more. My hypocritical judgement made me smile a little, and when a smile broke across his face Demi couldn't help but reach over and hold his face in her hands.

"I know I look a mess. But the only thing on my mind this morning was finding you." Justin said, pulling her onto his lap and making her laugh at the thought of him reading her thoughts. "I'm so sorry, Demi. I promise I will never act that way again, just please, please come home."

I could tell he was on the verge of tears, making her kiss him as quickly as she could.

Behind her, the noise of the train finally arriving filled the quiet station. Perfect timing Demi thought sarcastically before she felt herself l being carried. Feeling like a princess, she clung onto Justin, breathing in the sweet scent of his cologne before she was on his lap again. Demi didn't need to look up, for the train began picking up it's pace, bringing the soothing rocking she loves so much.

Partially confused as to why she was on the train, she met his eyes. Justin wore a small grin as he kissed her forehead.

"I promised I'll get you back." He said in an almost inaudible whisper.

"You never lost me." Demi replied happily before joining his gaze outside the window.

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