Illness (Part 1)

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Demi's eyes flew open when her alarm started blaring at 3:30 in the morning. She jumped out of bed happily and ran into the bathroom to shower and get ready. She was about to fly out to LA to visit Justin on tour and she couldn't contain her excitement. Even though she had a long day of travelling ahead of her, she didn't care because she knew that at the other end, she'd be able to see Justin and that was the moment she had been waiting for, for what felt like years.

She couldn't sit still for the entire of her flight, she was like an excited toddler but she didn't care. Demi was the first off the plane when she landed and she rushed her way through customs. Demi paced back and forward as she waited for what felt like hours for her suitcase and when she eventually got it, she had to physically stop herself from sprinting out to the arrivals lounge to see Justin. She walked through the gate calmly but as soon as she saw him standing with his friends and Scooter, she stopped in her tracks and a huge grin made it's way onto her face. He looked over at her and a huge smile appeared on his face and before she could stop herself, she was running towards him and throwing herself into his arms. He caught her and giggled as she pressed her lips to his face over and over again.

"I. Have. Missed. You. So. Much." she said, kissing a different part of his face between each word.

"I've missed you too," he replied, smiling at her before finally pressing a long, soft kiss to her lips.

"Okay come on, guys, you can continue your reunion back at the hotel," Niall teased and she went over and greeted all of the boys as well.

"I am so excited to be here," Demi exclaimed as Liam insisted on carrying her bags.

She arrived back at the hotel and even though she had barely slept, she couldn't wait to get out and see as much of LA as she could so she insisted that herself and Justin at least go out for lunch.

"Can we come?" Niall asked, gesturing to the other three boys and she nodded enthusiastically.

"Yeah we can catch up!" She said, so after a quick stop at the hotel, they all made their way to a café. They all had their menus handed to us and I stared at the page but I couldn't make out any of the words on the paper. "Justin?" she asked and he leaned over so she could talk to him. "I can't read this, the print is too small," she said, realizing how strange she sounded.

Justin raised an eyebrow at you, "But it's not even small? Are you feeling okay?" he asked laughing and she knitted her eyebrows together. She felt really confused all of a sudden but she just put it down to the sleep deprivation.

"Do they have chicken caesar salad?" she asked and Justin nodded his head after checking the menu. "Okay, I'll have that," she smiled at him and rested her head on his shoulder.

Justin's POV

I was so happy to have my girl sitting next to me. I had missed her so much and I felt like I was going crazy without her. She chatted away happily to the boys as I watched her; she looked even more beautiful than I remembered.

"What?" she asked Niall to repeat what he had just said. "I said, how was the tour?" he repeated, smiling at her and she knitted her eyebrows together.

"I don't understand what you're saying?" she repeated and I exchanged glances with all the boys.

"Are you sure you're feeling okay, Demi?" I asked and she nodded.

"I just can't understand what he's asking me?" she looked at me like I was crazy so I repeated Niall's question for him and she chatted away happily for a while about how things were at home and on the road.

"I'm just going to go to the bathroom,"
she said and she stood up and as she did, she completely lost her balance and if Zayn and I hadn't been sitting on either side of her to catch her, she would have fallen.

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