Illness (Part 4)

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Justin's POV

I went back to my hotel room because I didn't know what else to do. If I sat around the hospital all day, I knew I would drive myself insane and it's not as if I was doing anything useful by being there. I sat in my bed before eventually deciding to take some sleeping pills: an unhealthy decision, I know. But I needed a break from myself, a break from my thoughts because I honestly felt like I was losing my mind. I slowly drifted into an uncomfortable sleep filled with the most horrific nightmares. First of all, I was sitting in a doctor's office as someone told me they had done everything they could but it wasn't enough. Then I was at Demi's funeral surrounded by people who kept asking me if I was alright. Then I was at home, cleaning out Demi's half of the closet, alone and devastated. Finally, I was in a live televised interview where the interviewer kept asking questions about her until I eventually broke down unable to answer any more. I managed to wake up after what felt like hours of torture. I woke up screaming and crying for help and I must have been pretty loud, too, because I could hear someone pounding on my door. I violently shook as I pulled myself out of bed and opened the door to find Niall and Harry standing on the other side.

"Justin, are you okay?" Niall asked frantically.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I muttered, "I was just having a nightmare, but it's okay now."

Harry and Niall knitted their eyebrows together and were wearing matching looks of concern and sympathy.

"How is she?" Harry eventually asked and I realized that I hadn't told them anything about the surgery yet. I shook my head and rubbed my face with my hands as I moved aside to let them into the room.

"She's having surgery today," I eventually managed to say, tilting my head back slightly so tears didn't spill down my cheeks.

"Well that's good, isn't it?" Niall asked cautiously.

"Yeah, I guess it is." I replied, not daring to make eye contact with them because I knew if I did, I would break down completely.

"You guess?" Harry asked softly and I swallowed hard in an attempt to shift the lump in my throat.

"It's a risky surgery," I answered but a tear slid down my cheek as I did so I quickly wiped it away.

"What kind of risks?" Niall asked but I really couldn't bring myself to answer any more questions about it so I pulled my phone out and dialled the hospital's number.

"Hello, can I be transferred to neurology please?" I asked as soon as they answered. A few seconds later, a women answered the phone in the neurology department. "Yes hello, I'm calling about my girlfriend Demi Lovato, she was getting surgery today and I just wanted to know how it was going or if she was out yet?" my voice shook uncontrollably as I spoke.

"Oh yes, we were just about to call you. Miss Lovato is out of surgery. The operation seems to have gone well and she should be awake in the next half hour or so."

I hung up the phone covering my mouth trying to make my sobs too loud and Niall and Harry were immediately on their feet.

"Please tell me everything is okay?" Harry asked and I nodded my head.

"Yeah I think it is, I'm going to head over there now."

I was already half way out the door by the time I had finished speaking and I could hear the boys following me. I drove to the hospital as quickly as I could and I couldn't help but run through the corridors when I arrived. I stopped outside Demi's room to see her sitting up in bed, sipping on a glass of water as a nurse fussed with her blankets and made sure she was comfortable. Silent tears began to fall down my cheeks and she eventually looked up and made eye contact with me, she immediately covered her face with her hands and when she pulled them away she had tears rolling down her cheeks as well. I walked into the room and wrapped my arms around her and held her tightly.

"Justin, I-I'm so..." she began to speak but I silenced her.

"Don't talk Demi, just please don't let me go."

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