Adultery (Part 1)

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(This oneshot is written in the second person so "you, your, yours" so just imagine that you are Demi, or yourself)

You never intended to be that girlfriend. You trusted Justin, you always had. Honestly, the choice was never yours for the taking, but you knew, from the moment the two of you became serious, what his life would entitle. Long nights, even longer tours, months apart without even being on the same continent, and girls, girls who would do everything in their power to get him to notice them, to tempt him. But you knew you never had anything to worry about. You loved Justin, and you trusted Justin, because you'd never found a reason not to, but slowly you were noticing that things were beginning to change in way it was starting to scare you.

You weren't quite sure when it started. You just knew that things felt different, but you kept your concerns generally to yourself, thinking that maybe, hopefully it was all in your head, yet the signs were visibly there. You kept it private, with the exception of your best friend and Sean's girlfriend, two people you were sure you could tell anything to in confidence. They offered a listening ear and kind advice, which often times put you at ease, but there was just too much to turn a blind eye to.

His touch, the way he smiled at you, the tenderness in his voice, the vibrancy his presence had to offer - they were all different. Making love felt more like a chore, and the cuddles that usually followed was replaced by Justin immediately slipping wordlessly out of bed to do whatever. He became more secretive, always keeping his phone by his side in a way he'd never done before. And every now and then whenever he'd get a call, he would light up with excitement. When you'd ask who it was, a fight would ensue every time as he stormed out of the apartment, slamming the door shut behind him. With time, it got worse. The two of you would have to tiptoe around each other, watching what was said, because one wrong move would ignite a fight, each one more explosive than the last. The bed you shared with him saw less of him as his nights were spent on the couch. And as much as it broke your heart, the thought of leaving crossed your mind more often than not, but something would always happen to reel you back in. You'd see a spark of the old Justin, the one you had fallen so unapologetically in love with. He'd crack one of his dumbass jokes that you loved. He would give you that smile, the one that never failed to melt away the tension. He would drown you in unexplained affection, making you think that things would be okay, that maybe it was just a rough patch because every couple had one.

Then out of nowhere the two of you would fall once again into old, new habits, speaking only when necessary, spending nights apart though you were under the same roof. Sadly, it was a cycle that no longer surprised you.
But there was one day in particular that the idea of him being unfaithful came to you. The cheating suspicions rose when you were folding clothes in the apartment, and found a lacy thong you were almost certain didn't belong to you. You told yourself that it was okay, that as much as you didn't want to, you decided you would just talk to Justin before assuming the worst. And as you expected, it didn't go over well. Though his tone was far from loving, he convinced you that the undergarment was yours, saying that they were a pair he brought for you. And reluctantly, you believed him, yet the matter was far from resolved, because that was first night Justin left through the door and didn't come back until the following morning. From there, the tension steadily built for months, and with the new tour just around the corner, you didn't know if your sanity could withstand it.

"I'm so glad you and Sean are in town," You sat spread out on the couch with the phone wedged between your ear and shoulder. Your hand dug lazily into the little bowl of your favourite snack, which was resting on your stomach. Your best friend hummed in agreement on the line at the statement you made. You'd been on a three way call with her and Sean's girlfriend for at least 30 minutes, something that happened frequently, whether it is just for girl talk or to discuss a new, pressing concern about Justin.

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