Illness (Part 3)

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Justin's POV

I stood in the airport a few hours later with the boys by my side as we waited for Demi's family to arrive. I saw them walking through the terminal and I could immediately tell that Dianna had been crying the entire journey over.

"How is she?" she asked immediately and I couldn't bring myself to speak so I looked over to Zayn who told her and the others about the situation. I chewed the inside of my cheek as I urged myself not to cry. I couldn't cry here, in front of everyone. I remained completely silent the entire way back to the hotel and after Demi's family were all checked in I went up to my bedroom. It was 11pm and I needed to try and get some sleep before visiting hours started the next day but the minute I was alone I started sobbing. I sobbed uncontrollably for hours until my head was pounding and I felt like I was going to be sick until sleep eventually took over.

My alarm went off the next morning and it felt like I had only had about five seconds of sleep. I still felt sick and my head was still sore but I didn't care. I was going to see Demi today no matter what. I had a quick shower and dressed myself, sighing when I saw the dark circles under my eyes. I rang Demi's parents' hotel room but they didn't answer so I texted Zayn asking to check on them when they woke up and to get them to the hospital if they wanted to come. I made my way to the hospital and I couldn't shake the feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach, I didn't want to be scared of losing Demi, I wanted to be positive. I loved that girl more than anything and I never ever thought about what it would feel like to be in the position where I might never get to see her again.

I kept replaying the last words I heard her speak to me over and over again in my head. 'Justin, it really hurts, I'm scared' I couldn't get the image of her tear filled eyes out of my head. I made a promise to myself the day I realized I loved her that I would do anything to protect her and look after her and that day I had failed miserably. Seeing someone I love so terrified and being unable to do anything about it was something I knew I would never be able to get over. I would never forgive myself for not reacting to her strange behavior sooner, maybe if I had gotten her to a hospital sooner she would be better by now. My entire mind had been consumed by these horrible thoughts and before I knew it, I was pulling up into the hospital's car park. I made my way up to Demi's room and stood outside for a few minutes before eventually walking in. She was still asleep but I sat next to her and took her hand in mine. I was just about to start speaking when the door opened.

"Hello Mr. Bieber," the doctor I had spoken to the day before walked in and extended his hand for me to shake.

"Hi," I replied quietly before shaking his hand and sitting back down. "I've been waiting for you to arrive Mr. Bieber, we want to take Demi into surgery today, we need you to sign some papers for us before we do though," he said and I nodded my head.

"Is she going to make it? What are the risks?" I asked as he handed me a clipboard.

"Well of course there are risks, there are risks with every-"

"Don't beat around the bush! Give me numbers, percentages. Now." I interrupted.

The doctor sighed rubbed his chin, "It's fifty-fifty." he answered calmly and I felt as if the entire world had just disappeared from right underneath my feet.

"Fifty-fifty?!" I choked out and the doctor nodded. "Is there any other way?" I asked, tears starting to sting my eyes.

"No, this is the only way," he replied, giving me a sympathetic look, "With the surgery, she has a fifty percent chance of surviving and living a normal life. Without the surgery, I can promise you she won't live to see the following week."

I nodded my head and signed the papers, knowing he was right but it was just so hard to think about.

"We'll start getting ready for surgery now," he said before leaving the room and I finally let the tears flow.

I knew I needed to contact Demi's family but I didn't know how to tell them the severity of the situation. This was too much, too much for me to handle alone and the worst part about that was I knew that the only person I needed to be strong enough to do it was Demi.

"Please let this work," I sobbed as I kissed her hand over and over again. "I can't lose you. I rested my head on the bed and sobbed and probably would have done all day if Demi's family hadn't arrived.

"Justin, what's wrong? What happened?" Demi's mother asked frantically and I mustered up every ounce of strength and courage I had so I could explain what the doctor said. I admired her strength as she nodded her head, forcing herself not to cry because she knew it wouldn't change anything. "When?" she asked and I shrugged my shoulders but her question was answered when two nurses in scrubs walked into the room a few minutes later and one of them spoke up.

"Hi there. We're here to take her to the operating room." she said softly and I nodded my head and turned away as hot tears streamed down my cheeks and I felt as if someone was repeatedly stabbing me in the chest. They began to wheel her bed out of the room and my feet carried me over to her bedside and they stopped moving. I pressed my lips to her forehead and took her hand in mine.

"I'll see you soon," I whispered and hoped to God it was true. "I love you."

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