Ice Cream Parlour

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Demi's POV

"That one looks like a sheep!"

"No, it looks like a dinosaur!"

Laughter floated through the air as the breeze picked it up and carried it off. The sky was the purest of blue and clouds mixed the smooth surface, shadows casting down here and there. My hands slid down my belly and rested on the cool grass.

My gaze flew around and about the sky as the clouds drifted on by. I turned my head to gaze at the man next to me.
His hair was every which way and he had a small smile pressed on his lips. He was enjoying the relaxing moments being home, mainly being with me. He too turned to look at me and our gazes intermingled, neither of us wanting to break it. My hand snaked its way over to his and I held onto it lightly; my thumb lightly making circles along the backs of his fingers.

A large cloud blocked the sun and soon the ground was covered in a grey light and the temperature became cooler. With the breeze picking up and the flowers swaying, I rolled onto my side, moving yourself closer to him.

"I still think it was a sheep." I whispered into his ear as he let out a loud chuckle. He wasn't going to say I was wrong because he knew that I would fight it with him. He turned onto his side and his arm wrapped around my waist, settling on my lower back.
He looked down between the two of us at the small bump that was there. Your dress, though flowy, still outlined the little tummy I was growing. His grin widened as he placed his hand there.

Just last week the both of you had discovered that you were going to be having a girl. When Justin had heard the words out of the doctor's mouth he had jumped up and picked me up in his arms right there. He had tears in his eyes and pure joy in his heart, the idea of the three of us becoming a family getting clearer as the days passed by.

"We need to choose a name..."

I looked up at him and nodded in agreement.

"How about we split it up? You choose the first name and I'll pick the middle?"

"That sounds perfect, I'll just go grab some paper."

He got up from the blanket and went on back into the house, leaving me to look at the sky alone. Once again the sun was out and clouds were traveling about the free space the sky provided.

"Alright I've got the paper."

I stayed lying down as he sat back down on the blanket. He flopped onto his stomach and uncapped the pen using his teeth. He quickly drew two columns, labeling them at the top, and looked at me with expectant eyes.

"I've always loved the name Elizabeth for a middle name."

His hand shook as he wrote that under my column; he couldn't believe that we picking out our baby girl's name.

"I liked the name Marina."

That went to his column and the both of us continued to take turns saying names we both enjoyed.

"Okay, I think we have quite a list now," I was now sitting up and looking at the list he had composed for the two of us.

"I like the name Marina and your favourite name was Elizabeth..."

"Marina Elizabeth Bieber... I like it." He placed his hands on my face and leaned in to kiss me.

He let go of my face as his hands went to cradle my stomach; he had been more touchy feely lately since I was showing much more recently. Marina had wanted more room so she decided that my tummy needed to expand.

"Did you ever think about us having a family?" His voice was soft and he held the honest question off his tongue as we were both lying back down.

"Always. I used to entertain the thought all the time, I never really did think it would happen though."

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